
Rhineland-Palatinate promotes children’s and youth medicine

Rhineland-Palatinate promotes children’s and youth medicine

Mainz. The Rhineland-Palatinate State Government has an outpatient training in children’s and youth medicine with 336,000 euros. With the money that is earned in this and in the future, there are many more financing possibilities for children’s and youth practices. The costs for financing the financial markets and the fixed financing come from the country. When the Rhineland policy is determined, it is of great importance that the debts come from the Ministry. Practices that are interested in the support can immediately submit an objection to the KV Rhineland-Palatinate.

The Zahl der Förderstellen voor Fachärztinnen und Fachärzte außerhalb der Allgemeinmedizin since auf bundesweit 2,000 beschränkt. In Rheinland-Pfalz the Gemeinsamer Mitteilung von Landesgesundheitsministerium and KV 98.6 Stellen for the year 2024 have fallen.

Weiterbildende Praxen, die nicht von der Förderung nach Paragraf 75a SGBV profitable können, unterstützt the KV Rheinland-Pfalz bereits since 2018 sisterätzlich Mittels einer eigenen Richtlinie. The money from the country that is now being used will again start looking at the children and youth meditation on the financing of the KV-Richtlinie on the full financing of 5,400 euros in stock. The married Couples can become the KV of more Persons in the Teilzeit besetzt.

The Stärkung der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin is een Schwerpunkt der Rhenish Gesundheitspolitik, said Gesundheitsminister Clemens Hoch (SPD). So see a Landkinderarzt-Quote in Vorbereitung. The Landeskabinet decided in April that the research into the Medizinestudy after the study of the Landarzt quote for the reserved time is a fachärztliche Weiterbildung in the Kinder- und Jugendmedizin to have an ambulatory Tätigkeit in die Bereich in the country Raum festlegen .

The KV Rheinland-Pfalz has in the representation of the established institutions, although now a certain priority to the children’s and youth medicine, compensates this from the new high limits for the small groups of doctors within the borders of the affiliated members. “Then in that area of ​​work you can best use a mangle and doctors and doctors. While the Landeszuwendung has worked with its secondary financial playthings, there are still more free positions for the children’s and youth medicine in fuller Higher Preparation positions of the Förderung”, according to KV-Vize Dr. Andreas Bartels. The energetic Förderung became helfen, more young Kolleginnen and Kollegen for the Work in the Praxen zu begeistern and for the living care of Children and Jugendlichen in Rheinland-Pfalz zu gewinnen, so Bartels. (chb)