
Viel Licht, Sehnsucht and Schmerz

Viel Licht, Sehnsucht and Schmerz

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Viel Licht, Sehnsucht and Schmerz
Doris Vogel in conversation with Elvis, not in person, with Fan and Portrait on Bauch and Rücken. © pv

Bücher über Elvis, private Erlebnisgeschichten, Biografien, Bildbände, Krimis – everything that is in Hülle and Fülle. Nun auch Gedichte. The Eislinger Malerin and Jungautorin Doris Vogel puts an emphasis on Anhieb veld Lob with »Dieses Buch gehört dem Koning 2.0« in your Lyric debut. In Bad Nauheim you can visit the Stadtbücherei.

I was in August 1977 with Elvis Aaron Presley in Memphis. Eleven years apart Doris Vogel was born in the Swabian Aulendorf. It is also not personal that you are sitting in the Schallplatten des Vaters. Dennoch got an idea of ​​the fact that he is good, as a child.

After the Studium in Karlsruhe has seen the Bird of the “King” as a portrait male, there will be a lot of things to do, which you will not see with the male.

Make sure you do it right and do it right

So if you speak the language, it is worth checking out the Germanistikstudium vertraut ist. »I was not in my right mind, but I have learned more about it, have my historical angenähert and central aspects of my life as well as my life«, there is a bird in the gut 20 stories and books by Gaëlle Götz.

It is a fascinating experience of the sensible, light-hearted story, the image research and the generated analysis. It is not a mere Lyric that has facets and deep empfindsam. The power over the portrait of an individual comes from the Geburt that goes to Tod and looks at Mythos. When you see that the car itself is a thing, the lie is most true. »Ich bin froh, here in Bad Nauheim ein Publikum zu haben, das die Bezüge versteht«, know that. Man was in every poem »ihn« recognize, denn er habe in gesteigerter Form something, was universally acceptable ist.

100 Poems since 140 Seiten strong Buch aufgenommen, ordnet nach Zeitabschnitten: »Southern Boy«, »Intronization«, »Muss i denn«, »Der König kehrt zurück«, »Königreich«, »A lonely life«, »der König leb «. Vogel describes Mutterliebe and Einsamkeit, Verlust, Zerrissenheit, Licht- en Schattenseiten des Ruhms, Affairen, Sehnsucht, Schmerz. They reflect the jumpsuits and jeans, the wrought Memphis mafia and the power inherent in their After Shave »Musk for Men«. The Seidenschchal acquired in the Menge is personal »Turiner Schweißtuch«.

In the 15th episode of the last details, which we have read about the last details, could read a biography, but its financing was one of the best things in the past and the past of the image. If you see the jumpsuit, you see Marken and the upper half, you can flatten all the buttons and drive away the mask. Or if you »signify the autogram card as your own insight« and »in a part of the section that is fragt is / looks at the man in the picture, this / there inside / and then writes / entschieden weiter.«

Doris Vogel writes without Satzzeichen, which was for his Offenheit bedeutet in Reading and Interpreting. The Zeilenumbruch gives a minimum Rahmen vor. So it is worth doing the shopping, it is the closest to the truth, and it is not that, when you give an impulse, your point goes to the next step. If you find it great, it is best to do the offensive. If it is winter, or other people are on the white grass, the root herb is a fragment.

Denis Scheck sang Lobeshymns

If you are working on the text equipment for a long time, this is not the idea that you think of this as a design project. When the publication has appeared, the publication can be recognized by others.

Because the literary criticism is so positive, Denis Scheck sings Lobeshymnen, no matter how it went and fretted. »Das ist der Bonus obendrauf«, answers the returning young author with the black hair. For the Anna-Haag-Preis, a national expansion for literature, this is one of the nominated shortlists.

If the title originates, the man in the Anfang des Buchs: »Der Titel des Gedichtbands spielt mit der Widmung »Dies Buch gehört dem König«, that Bettine von Arnim 1843 zum Titel in de Koningsbuchs Kracht en damit Friedrich Wilhelm IV. addresssiert.«

On the cover of the books, Doris Vogel has published her own portraits of kings. © pv