
Christina Block: Sorrechtsstreit bei Steakhaus-Erbin eskaliert

Christina Block: Sorrechtsstreit bei Steakhaus-Erbin eskaliert

The sorrechtsstreit is calibrated

Falsche Child Pornography-Vorwürfe against Christina Blocks Ex

19.08.2024 – 18:45Reading time: 5 min.

Christina Block with ex-husband Stephan Hensel and the daughters Greta and Johanna (archive photo): In their Sorgerechtsstreit everything is one of the children Klara and Theodor.Enlargement of the imagesChristina Block with ex-husband Stephan Hensel and the daughters Greta and Johanna (archive photo): In their Sorgerechtsstreit everything is one of the children Klara and Theodor. (Quelle: Eventpress/imago-images-bilder)

Steakhouse owner Christina Block and his ex-husband, Stephan Hensel, enjoyed a court battle with his two young children. This doesn’t escalate.

The domination over the Hamburger Unternehmerin and Steakhouse-Erbin Christina Block and my ex-Mann, Stephan Hensel, has reached a new level: it is another example of a Missbrauchsdrastellungen of Kindern, the dem deutschen Moderator and Photographer openbar angelastet werden soll.

The early couple has four children in total. In the midst of the sorrechtsstreits, the time of Theodor and 13-year-old Klara has disappeared.

If “Zeit Online” reports, Christina Block appeared in October with a pile of base layers at the police in Hamburg, an ex-husband and the family law prosecutor. Der Vorwurf: Both sollen Material besitzen, das de sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern darstellt. The interconnected documents are intended for siege.

Christina BlokEnlargement of the images
The Hamburger Steakhaus-Erbin Christina Block während een Pressekonferenz (Quelle: Georg Wendt/dpa/Archiv/dpa-bilder)

The underlayers, the block on October 6 at the police, have carried out the investigations, so that you get an idea of ​​an IT company. If you yourself have found the beautiful, digital Sicherheitslücken in the Unternehmen Block, you can improve the gastronomy at the police. Whoever gets these images and image and text material with sexual representations of children, can the fourfold mother of the belongings offenbar nicht erklaren.

On the request of an officer, Hensel was with the Security of the Steakhaus-Kette “Block House” with his hat, who at the age of 51 received a police message, that the name of the ex-husband was aware of the claims while he was brought into connection with his own names and their companies.

The material comes from the previous years, that Hensels Haus on Sylt has made the best internet forums as an art board for the sexual abuse of children to the development of the world, is at “Zeit Online” further. The Anwesen are 50 years old at the Divorce of Christina Block.

The problem is that you can block a USB stick at the police. If the sister of the Kriminal-hoofdkommissar thinks that it is a company, which has the IT security of the Steakhaus-Kette, on the dates that she has, the Hensels English beteiligung and financial affairs in Missbrauch von Kindern sollten.

Christina Block with her Eltern Eugen and Christa Block: Die Unternehmerfamilie will die in Dänemark festwaardennen Kinder nach Hamburg zurückholen.Enlargement of the images
Hamburger Unternehmerfamilie: Christina Block with ihren Eltern, Eugen and Christa Block. (Quelle: IMAGO / Stephan Wallocha)

If Hensel will not commit this Suspect in the future. While the Glaubwürdigkeit-zeen Anwalts, who are in the Sorgerechtsfall-vertritt, with a guilty guilt gesädigt: In July 2023 an anonymous Announcement went to the Federal Criminal Police Office and to the Hamburg Landescriminalt ein. Darin should behave, the vermaintliche pedophile lawyer who is in a number of Internet forums, and such a dort after minors. As evidence, more Screenshots should be repeated. It is not good.

It is possible that a family law plays a special role in a personal confrontation. Send an e-mail to your court in the Kanzlei. The breakthrough is: the legal punishment from the society that has been created. Passiere does not die, it is necessary that the Mandanten receive the information from the Jurists.

A state bankruptcy is very skittish, if the guilty are not a legal entity, it is not that we have a conviction. The sister of the Upper State War is so sure that a person has everything in mind, one of the damage he has suffered, reports on “Bild”. If the State Attorney’s Office walks a Verfahren-weg, the Verdächtigung can yield an unintended eingeleitet. But is no longer.

HamburgEnlargement of the images
Ermittler of the Polizei in front of the living room of the Unternehmerin Christina Block. (Quelle: Daniel Bockwoldt/dpa/dpa)