
Size: Yacht kentert bei Unwetter – britischer Tech-Unternehmer vermisst – Panorama

Size: Yacht kentert bei Unwetter – britischer Tech-Unternehmer vermisst – Panorama

A luxury yacht with 22 people on board has sunk off the coast. A Toter could insure himself, it is so that the BBC deals in the Schiff business. If the story of the Montag continues, one of the Tech entrepreneurs Mike Lynch is the only one. Ihm soll die verzonken Luxusjacht Bayesian to belong.

The Grund für das Unglück is een schweres Gewitter gewesen sein, das in der Nacht zu Montag aufzog. Das Boot was located in front of Porticello in the Nähe von Palermo. Italian Medien reports from a Windhose, who brought the Boot zum Kentern. A sign of a yacht of 50 meters long, which was flying the British flag, was laut der Küstenwache zwölf Passagiere und zehn Besatzungsmitglieder. 15 people were rescued and brought to the country.

When the matter arises, it is a case of four Britons having US-American and Canadian citizenship. In addition, the 18-year-old comrade von Lynch and the yacht chief are also supposed to be there. The ship is working 50 metres below the water. One of the most exciting things the BBC does is that the woman is not even on the boat.

Lynch hailed as the “British Bill Gates”

It was the missing Tech-Tycoon Lynch who entered the boulevard media in the port of Heimat as the “British Bill Gates”. The 59th century is the autonomy of the software company, which was sold in 2011 for eleven billion dollars and the American company Hewlett Packard. Only before Lynch had concluded a contract in the United States, the Autonomy Deal was acquitted.

Während des Unglücks spielten sich nach Augenzeugenberichtes dramatic scenes in Wasser ab. A message about the broadcast has been sent The Republic, If you are a little in the water that has been lost, is it then done, with your arms over the Wellen to stop. „Alles war dark. I was konnte ich meine Augen not stop. I am a Help, but another is now the Cry of the others.“

The surrender of the Besatzung and others Schiffes, das unter niederländischer Flagge fuhr, and Bord taken. The German chapter works more averagely, on a kind of rettungsboot, and has more neglected gewesen.