
Cannabis-Legalisierung führt zu vermehrten Klinik-Aufenthalten

Cannabis-Legalisierung führt zu vermehrten Klinik-Aufenthalten

Die a few years ago, was nun genau erlaubt ist und was nicht, meer setzen auf Prävention und Aufklärung, Kliniken in der Regel auf Verbote: The View of the Cannabis Legalization is no longer inviolable.

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Main-Tauber-Kreis. The first Stufe des Cannabisgesetzes (CanG) is on April 1 in Kraft. The private ownership through the creation of the communal, non-gewerbliche ownership of Cannabis in the Anbauvereinigungen zum Eigenkonsum has been legalized. In a press conference on the AOK Heilbronn-Franken, the Medizinerinnen and Mediziner warn for the next cannabis consumption and if the Krankenhaus treatment occurs, it will see zurückzuführen, in the vergangen Years of continuation therehöht habe.

I am in favor of legalizing the Krankenkasse with another article. Daten der AOK würden matured, daten Arztbesuche ufgrund des Cannabis-Missbrauchs bei AOK-Versicherten in Baden-Württemberg from 2018 to 2022 year in Schnitt um 5.6 Prozent zugenommen hätten – in Main-Tauber-Kreis sogar um 10.37 Prozent, eine der höchsten Steigerungsraten in Baden-Württemberg.

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Both in the Caritas hospital Bad Mergentheim If the Krankenhaus Tauberbischofsheim hospital treatment takes place, the cannabis consumption process will take place, confirms Ute Emig-Lange, Manager of Corporate Communication. “I handle the legalization in the Central Notaufnahme, ZNA, in Caritas hospital for a week a patients with objections as a follow-up of the cannabis consumption”, explains ZNA Chief Physician Jürgen Weigand. Patients and patients who need treatment can be treated there.

In the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in the Krankenhaus Tauberbischofsheim, patients and patients were treated, which lasted longer under the Drogenkonsumsen which led: “Wir zeichnen eine Zunahme von stationären Behandlungen aufgrund von Cannabis-induzierten Geesten Störungen”, reports Chefarzt Dr. Mathias Jahnel. There are many people with such problems. “Here dries the Cannabis consumption of the Rückfall auch bei others Suchtmitteln“, warn with Blick auf Erfahrungen with those affected.

In the Krankenhauser of the BBT-Gruppe the cannabis consumption is in the same amount and on the sum of money of the Krankenhauses of the past. It is a good thing that patients, such as a treatment, are treated. „Drugs and alcohol are of the Heilverfahren empfindlich. In particular could the medicine of medicine help or get the power to perform a soulful therapy,“ said Dr. Jähnel. It is completely clear that the treatment of medical cannabis after a treatment in the Schmerztherapie has begun.

Rouven Müller is at work in the deliberations of the Main-Tauber-Kreises. Deren Träger is the AGJ Fachverband für Prävention und Rehabilitation in Erzdiozese Freiburg. Der Sonderpädagoge is a partner for Thema CanG and says: “The paradigm in cannabis politics proposes a major positive outcome.”

Mixed Hazards

The AGJ search office places legalization with shared feelings. “A legalization can certainly make the consumer, by hairspray, sand or glass to have dramatic consequences followed by the purchase.” You can put the consumer criticism on a more positive question. Criticism of the Youth Protection, the interests of the own bank and improving the financial resources for the sister of the company that has no financial financial institutions.

First study in October

The printers’ ink cartridges cannot be protected very well. “The first Schulung für Präventionsbeauftragte von Cannabisbauvereinigungen, CAV, took place in October. Veränderungen in der MPU-Beratung, neder Konzepte, Informationsmaterialien und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Kooperation mit CAV sind in Arbeit“, so Müller. Dieser höhere Zeitaufwand müsse zätzlich zur Beratungsarbeit bewältigt. Rouven Müller: “The following legalizations were only carried out in the coming years, the CAV first entered the gründungs ​​phase and the private Anbau would first take legal action.”

Daniel Lenz wants to live in Taubertal with others who think a Cannabis Social Club (CSC) is green, an association that organizes the Anbau. This is one of the few things that has not yet been settled: “We have decided, last we have abwarten and schauen, wellche Erfahrungswerte other sammeln.” Two CSCs in Würzburg have been contacted. If it was all like that, it would be an “abschreckendes Bild vom ‘Kiffer’-gezeichnet”.

Other Drugs Legal

“Gleichzeitig since Alcohol and Tobacco problems are present, one can use a healthy diet, who is happy with these legal drying since.” There is a statistical overview of the general ministries, which are at their own level, such as alcohol consumption and tobacco consumption. “In Germany, work is done, it is spoken and spoken, but there is no word here from a verb or a final statement.”