
Online reports – News – Basel-Stadt buys Hotel Balegra – UMA see them now

Online reports – News – Basel-Stadt buys Hotel Balegra – UMA see them now

Evelyn Borer, Synodenpräsidentin der Evangelischen Kirche Schweiz, ist new president of the Advocate of Mission 21.

Markus Habegger on August 2nd the Leitung des Daycare centers for Obdachlose in Basel as a continuation of
Paul Rubin.

Der Basler Rechtsanwalt und Baurechtsexperte Daniel Gebhardt wird new Verwaltungsratspräsident der Rhystadt AGder great eigentümerin op dem Klybeck Area.

Die Baselbieter Grünen-Landrätin Erika Eichenberger three times back in September, Natalie Oberholzer back to.

Honorary Professor Dr. Prisca Liberal Read more about research into this area Web Image with them Knowledge Prize der Stadt Basel ausgezeichnet.

Sarah Mehler next am
1. October as new Geschäftsführerin der Basel Barracks on Eva Heller.

Markus Jordi, long-term manager of the SBB Konzernleitung, on January 1, 2025 the foreground the University of Applied Sciences of the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.

Karoline Sutter and Urs Berger treten nach über zehn Jahren per March 31, 2025 from dem Bank rat of the Basler District Court zurück, de Vakanzen become demnächst ausgeschrieben.

Jacqueline Hermann and Alexander Bieger to loosen Brigitte Jaggi ab, who as Rector of the Muttenz High Schools retired.

Bettina Zeugin succeeds as president of inner Baselland on Robi Ziegler.

Der frühere Baselbieter SP-Regierungsrat Peter Schmid datum das Präsidium des Freundevereins Zoo Basel a blessing Parteikollegin and Landrätin Mirjam Locher environs

There is a Finding Commission such as a Next bond Anna Schmid, Director of Museums of Cultures Basel, the 2025 in Retirement received.

Green Politician Flavia Muller from Allschwil back for Biljana Grasarevic in the Basel Landrat nah.

Double pension am Euro Airport: Director Matthias Suhr end of March 2025, on Stellvertreter Marc Steuer End of December 2025 in the Rest position.

Jo Krebs übergibt nach über 23 Jahren seine Stelle als Leiter Corporate Communications by Primeo Energy a follower Fabian Hildbrand.

Die Israeli Municipality of Basel what with Steffi Bollag as a sequel to Emmanuel Ullmann first woman there President.

Sabina Brocal i will be
August 1st Front Chef of the Department of Culture i am Prasidial department Basel-Stadt.

Die City cleaning the Basler Tiefbauamts new from August 12th Markus Muller guided, his predecessor Dominik Egli retired.

Christoph Jorns I am 1. July Finanzchef der Basler Lebensversichererin Pax as a sequel to Alex Flückiger.

Mirjam Christ-Crain from the University of Basel has earned 200,000 francs more Otto Naegeli Prize for your patient orientation Clinical Research.

Kimrobin Birrer übernimmt das Partykretariat der GLP Baselland by Yves Krebs.

Barbara Staehelin how am i
1. Mai das Verwaltungsrats-Präsidium des Cantonal hospitals Baselland by Madeleine Stockli to take over.

The Basel administration has Kathrin Choffat and Roger Muller as new members the bankers of the BLKB for the laurel-filled term of office until mid-2027.

Der Baselbieter Regierungsrat hat Raphael Giossi zum Nachfolger des langjährigen cantonals Bieneninspektors Marcel Strub desired.