
Online reports – Kultur – Wie Alpen die Schweizer und Schweizer die Alpenprägen

Online reports – Kultur – Wie Alpen die Schweizer und Schweizer die Alpenprägen

© Photos by Samuel Stauber /

“Göttliches Werk”: Valais Alps in Tourismuslandschaft

Aurel Schmidt’s new Buch zeichnet aus dem alpinen Kulturraum eine Mentalitätsgeschichte nach

By Peter Knechtli

Neuerdings gibt is vermehrt Pläne, Schweizer Alpen Sex Appeal with passes. The Stockhorn in the Bernese Oberland (2’190 meters) is a penetrating piece: a steep, sheer wall in the form of a half-brown nasenrings a metal Aussichtspassage. Many tourists will get more boats if they Aussicht bloom, rightful Bahnbetreiber solch kühne Projects. So the flip-flop elimination of a prize Kick on the mountain is where the mountaineers technically get a schnickschnack from.

Ion a Gipfel of the Alps, facelift projects or cosmetic ideas have changed. Since then, the Plane, the Gipfel des 3’883 Meter hohen Kleinen Matterhorns hoch über Zermatt with a hotel and a 117 Meter hohen Metallpyramide zu vershen, um ihm auf diese Weise – Sarkozys hohe Schuhabsätze lassen grüssen – Zutritt in the erhabene Welt der Viertausender zu provided.

“Die Fahrt ins Tessin war für
de young Familienvater das zentrale Erlebnis.”

DThe Basler book author and OnlineReports columnist Aurel Schmidt is a great expert in Alpine history. As a motivation, if you do not see the high European mountains Europe, it may be that the Ursprung Jahrzehnte zurück is. A first trip as a young family member through the Schöllenenschlucht over the Gotthard in the Tessin war for his unparalleled. “Crazy beeindruckt” has the today’s 75-year-old unermüdlichen Journalisten, “who those people “Sich with the unglaublichen Gewalt of Nature arranged and the Böden etwas Nutzbares abringen muststen”.

Ithe more Schmidt is the Herausforderung der Berge in In- and Ausland. In the Himalayan Mountains there is the Kalla Patthar (5’546 meters), in Tansania on Mount Meru (4’566 meters).

IIt’s brutal when the government put a few Lektors and Aurel Schmidt to work. 1990 erschien im Benziger-Verlag sein 340 Seiten dickes Buch “Die Alpen”. Der Untertitle – “Schleichende Zerstörung eines Mythos” – lässt acknowledge, the detective letztlich abgesehen hatte: Auf aine Warnung for “möblierten Landschaften” and der “Industrialisierung der Alpen”.

Heute, 21 years old, Schmidt explains his life as 384 Seiten starkes und mit zahlreichen illustrierten Marginalien ergänztes – Buch mit demselben Haupttitle vor, nur der Untertitle (“Eine Schweizer Mentalitätsgeschichte”) that itself has been walked. First publication announcement and the (Schweizer) Alps are complete and textually illustrated with more information. Minutiös zeichnet Schmidt nicht nur die Wanderhehmung der Alpen nach, under de Wirkung der fascinating Gebirgslandschaften auf de Mentalität der Schweizerinnen and Schweizern and their institutions.

“The Fazit of the Poet and Thinker
ends in a Theorientumult.”

Schmidt speaks of a Swiss “Geopsyche”, entstanden in de räumlichen Enge der Bergtaler. With the support of the federation and the direct democracy of Switzerland in the political museum: “We were able to understand the Alps and enjoy the warmth of our long life”, Schmidt paints, after the mountains in the book, Scriptures and Documents through time .

Di.e. Faszination und Furcht, Ergriffenheit und der Respekt in Anbetracht der Alpenwelt veranlasste die coarser Dichter, Denker und Naturforscher dieser Welt, thy philosophical Betrachtungen bei der Konfrontation mit der dureschichtlichen “göttlichen Wunderkraft” niederzuschreiben, was das Buch in zahlreichen Zitaten ausführlich document ert. It is not surprising that no results have been achieved, but it is a “Theorian Tumult”. So the author strengthens his work with a volume as an “archive of Alpine literature”. There are “everything said to distill, it was new to buy and woolen, who were taken into the Alps in the Verleidingenheit bis in the young Gegenwart zur Kennisnnis”.

IIn this book, an aspect of the Alps – from historical history to emotional travel and tourist activities, seen as its sorrows – is unbeknownst. The mentality histories Recognize themselves first in hint Buchteil, der omnipotent concrete political Gestalt annimt and Belege für de alpine Landschaft als Urquell national-conservative Empfindens bietet. So an Ausschnitt als der Rede, de Jeremias Gotthelf in SVP-Stil des 19. Jahrhunderts am Eidgenössischen Schützenfest in Aarau von 1842 holds: “Wie ein Berg im ebene Lande erhob sich de Eidgenossenschaft hellstrahlend unter de Volkkern der Ebene.”

“Wenn es so weiter geht wie bisher,
wird die Schweizer Alpenwelt zur Rutschbahn.”

IIt is clearly English. An influence started the introduction of mountain tourism around 1850. But after the Gründung des Bundesstaates in the year 1848, things changed “and there was a lot of love”. Schmidt diagnoses the Abschied von de Alpen as Identitätsstiftung: “A new paradigm becomes urban Switzerland.” The “grossende zeugnisse der schöpfungsgeschichte” is on the way of the respectful areas and “göttlichen work” of the economic community, which is in a wild flight and commercial intensification: from the massive Ausbau of the mountain railways and the pistes to the cascades of the construction sanlagen bis zu Touristikeinreichtungen in höchsten Lagen, Luxus -Resorts und Wolkenkratzer-Projekten auf Alpweiden, Event-Parks da und dort – “menschengemachte Avalanches” (Schmidt).

Sa conclusion: “The Alps are no longer usable, a Swiss identity has disappeared, we will have commercialization on a distorted scale. If the construction development continues like this, the Swiss Alpine world will become a roller coaster.”

DThere is no author who is critical of the economic representation of the alpine culture that exists, it is said that the development of the lungs will take place at some point, while the image in the Val Lumnez is greatly enlarged. If there is a message in the online reports, then man is an end of the climate warming in the summer vermeert Abkühlung in the Alps such as the following: “Those who want to encounter no more fermented landscapes and searing soils.” One of the reasons for the summer tourism industry is that there is no longer any interest in sales.

SNo matter how fast a manifesto is, they go to the end of the book. They protect the Alps as “power” and “obligation” and “they belong to everyone as an idea and landscape”.

Aurel Schmidt: “Die Alpen – Eine Schweizer Mentalitätsgeschichte”, 384 Seiten, Verlag Huber, 2011. 49 Franken.

10. February 2011

Buch-Präsentation im Literaturhaus

Today Thursday evening, 7 pmfind in “Literaturhaus” an der Barfüssergasse 3 in Basel Aurel Schmidts Book presentation connected with a teaching statute. It is a lesson from the author and schauspielerin Anina Jendreyko. Eintritt 17 and 12 Franken.