
Migration – Aktuell 400 Asylsuchende in Erstaufnahme in Stendal – Politik

Migration – Aktuell 400 Asylsuchende in Erstaufnahme in Stendal – Politik

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Gut drei Monate nach dem Start der Landesaufnahme in Stendal since 400 Asylsuchende unterbracht. On August 16, there were 129 women, 70 men and 203 children and young people, who attended the Innenministerium in Magdeburg at Nachfrage Mitteilte. Those 70 men were not available in the family association. Anfang Mai öffnete the new Einrichtung in Stendal. Derzeit stehen nicht mehr als 500 tot 600 Platz zur Verfügung. The complete investment is expected to be completed by the end of 2025, then we will find 1,000 occupants.

The last years of asylum seekers in Stendal have a Drittel from Syria, 20 Perzent from Afghanistan and 11 Perzent from Turkey, so the Ministry of the Interior continues. The high Herkunftsländern end up in Iraq (9 Perzent) and Kamerun (4 Perzent).

Care and Bildungsangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche

The e-infrastructure in Stendal ensures safe protection of individuals. It is a good idea to help asylum seekers solve problems with children and families with full-fledged children, this is it. Aspects of barrier freedom are particularly berücksichtigt. Make sure that you are personally protected in the social and medical policy of your government, so the ministry. There is a general medical basic care and a psychological basic care. For minors it is a children’s toy. The project “Learning workshop” of Caritasverbandes für das Bistum Magdeburg e. V. see a picture and learning bot for children and young people in the Erstaufnahme Stendal.

The search in Stendal is very similar to the Erstaufnahme in Halberstadt and a smaller scam in Magdeburg. Since 16. August were in Halberstadt and the Außenstellen laut Innenministerium 1,454 Menschen unterbracht, in Magdeburg 183.

By 12 August since last year in Saxony-Anhalt, approximately 3,000 asylum seekers will be accepted. I completed the past years since 7,754 years since the Ministerium.

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