
Land fuller Widersprüche — der Freitag

Land fuller Widersprüche — der Freitag

“Kuba is a cost-free system for cost, investment and Bildungssystems, which strongly promotes the great Wirtschaft des Landes. Kritik der EU und Deutschlands an gravierenden Defiziten bei Menschenrechten (zB bei Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit) und Rechtsstaatlichkeit were von Kubas Führung mit der Verteidigung der Revolution justified.” –

Vorgeschichte und Verlauf: Kuba-Krise 1962

“The Cuban Crisis of 1962 has a number of sweepers with a warning: if you do a knit of business, the fragile atomic weight and its power, which both superpowers hit, is a nuclear escalation of a machine – while dying, come and go, information shortages, but also through the extension of orders for the deployment of atomic weapons.” –

Cuba and the US

The global humanitarian criticism has a bilateral relation to the US-American refugee policy. A Beispiel is the appreciation of the Wet foot, dry foot-Politics for the Kuban refugees during the Obama administration in January 2017. This political truce is more than two years and the Kubanern busy, it is depending on what is demanded in the United States, an investigation that is carried out, while it is about the Reconciliation of the Einreise in the US over the Seeweg were taken, again after Cowba zurückgeschickt wurden.” –