
Erich Vad criticizes military tactics in Ukraine-Krieg

Erich Vad criticizes military tactics in Ukraine-Krieg

Ukrainian offensive in the Russian Kursk region: Das Bild soll einen zerstörten Russian armored forces.

Ukrainian offensive in the Russian Kursk region: Das Bild soll einen zerstörten Russian armored forces. © Not stated/AP/dpa

In the video on YouTube video from the Westend-Verlags with Erich Shows the beginning of a military attack by the responsible rulers of Ukraine on the Russian Bodengefragt.

The 67-year-old compared the offensive in Kursk with fruitful – letztendlich inheritance – leaders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the “nicht nachhaltig” gewesen seien and now the political Zweck gehabt hätten, “fast follow-up” forzuweeisen.

These dams have now been designated as “punctual, regionally limited successions” and so they are now in the Kursk region.

Erfolgreicher Drohnenschlag: Ukraine zerstört seltenen "Flame-repellent tank"
Erfolgreicher Drohnenschlag: Ukraine zerstört seltenen “Flammenwerfer-Panzer”

The Anschluss comes from the Brigadier General with a service of a definitive final assessment of the Kursk offensive: “That is military action at all keinen Sinn! That is a military failure, that man can not defend a military force.”

The military experts’ prediction for the Australian course of the Ukrainian offensive is demented: “Everything will happen in the next week.”

Brigadier General Erich Vad (67) war from 2006 to 2013 to another as a militärpolitischer berater der harmful Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (70, CDU) tätig.

Brigadier General Erich Vad (67) war from 2006 to 2013 to another as a militärpolitischer berater of the harmful Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (70, CDU) tätig. © Monika Skolimowska/dpa

Laut Erich is the leader of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Russian Territory empty of symbols, politics and media Wert: “There is no reason to ignore the operations of the Ukrainians in the region of Kursk and more about the desolate Low – in Grunde genommen – an der Front im Donbas, where the Russians are now in Vorrücken.”

I repeat the interviews with Erich Vad, who has left the Ausbruch of the Kriegs-Ukraine, it has become “no military loose” for that conflict. If that Haltung is visible, is the best possible translation of the Krieges.

“Deswegen muss man verhandeln”, der Brigadier General A. D. en ergänzt: “I can now, as a military expert, a small Paywall-steht and of my own job bewerben muss and of davon auch nicht leben muss, kann ich nur sagen: Es gibt keine militärische los, here is the Politics gefragt, especially after a loss on the Verhandlungsweg such.”

Ukraine-Krieg: Secret Service soll Sprengstoff in deutschen Paketen andtdeckt haben!
Ukraine-Krieg: Secret Service soll Sprengstoff in deutschen Paketen andtdeckt haben!

While Ukraine’s military might has now reached the point of sin by the West, the country has become an important position for trade.

“Everything else has been sinn! And this was a military task, but in the Kursk region, it is sinnlos!”, unterstreicht Erich Vad en ergänzt: “It costs human life! It is because of the hunderttausende of young Ukrainians and also young Russians fallen in the letzten two years.”

In the 38-minute interview with Brigadier General and Erich Vad nor are military and political fragments, which are planted on the plant Stationierung von Marschflugkörpern vom Typ Tomahawk und unter weitreichender Waffen in Deutschland.