
Flugbegleiterin verrät, who cares for the best Essen in Flugzeug

Flugbegleiterin verrät, who cares for the best Essen in Flugzeug

A Flugbegleiterin is very good, who can be the best Essen and Bord-spirit. The Sitzplatzwahl can be a separated message, which is another message from the “New Zealand Herald” (NZH).

We see more chances of Wishes

Laut der Flugbegleiterin Joyce Chan is vorteilhaft, nahe an der Kabine zu sitzen. “The Essens service often started and a hint was given. “Wählen Sie a Sitzplatz weiter vorne, um früher served zu be”, said Chan zu “Delicious”. So take the opportunity, the desired goal has been achieved.

If you go further, the altitude at the flight is the Geschmackssinn influsst. Dr. Karan Raj explains the NZH: “The small cabinet pressure is great and the savory aromas.” Umami-reiche Speisen wie Fleisch and Käse schmecken more intensively. The sight of the Tomatensaft im Flugzeug is so believable.

A cocktail tastes great with ease

A collaborator of Charles Spence, an expert from the University of Oxford, at the Cocktailauswahl about the Clouds of Bloody Mary with his grin. “The combination of tomatoes and Worcestershire sauce started with the Umami taste,” said in one of his years of studies. Also nutrition consultant Stephanie Smith from „Agora Health“ says: „Tomato juice is an electrolyte and antioxidant richness.“