
Israel takes action on Blinken’s report on Geiselabkommen in Gaza

Israel takes action on Blinken’s report on Geiselabkommen in Gaza

Israel has praised US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for a Waffenruhe in Gaza. Now it is Hamas, who does this, says Blinken on Monday in Tel Aviv after a “constructive” meeting with Israeli government chief Benjamin Netanyahu. A reaction to the radical Islamists has never happened before. You can judge the criticism and the resumption of the self-invented strategies.

Netanyahu has done his best to make Israel flash the Überbrückung annexe. Das Treffen dauerte israëlischen Mediaberichten zufolge drei Stunden.

Previous US President Joe Biden van de Welt in his previous hat had become broader. Danach läuft der Processen in Phasen ab: Eine first Feuerpause über een Zeitraum van sechs Wochen, in dem Geiseln freigelassen und Gefangene ausgetauscht, so Verhandlungen über de Bedingungen für een dauerhaften Waffenstillstand.

Blinken travels in Nahen Osten

Knipperen said that in the East there was talk of a war in Gaza and the freedom of the well-being of the soul. It is of great urgency, dies to achieve. In the coming days the treatise experts must come together, a clear unification to reach the Umsetzung des Abkommens. “It is not a complicated fragmentation and it will be an almost separation of the heads of state and government.”

The American minister said that he had a quick reconciliation: “The longer you die, the more enjoyment you have, the more you come back.” If you have “other passions,” says the American chef with a wink to the long low age in Nahen Osten.

The war between the US and the US ministers was directed against the Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog and his sisters. It is clear that it is both that the “last opportunity” of a Waffenruhe not to be spread. “It is a separate moment” and “fell the best, fell perhaps in the right place” for a waffenruhe and the backbone of the geiseln, as there.

President Herzog averts Hamas, his tragedy through a Verweigerungshaltung de Hauptverantung voor de bisherigen Misserfolg der Gespreche under de Vermittlung van de USA, Egypt en Katars in de letzten Monaten. “We have never been able to have full satisfaction, so we could write in the Verhandlungen,” said Herzog gleichzeitig. Man wolle die Geiseln “so quickly we can see it”. Die Hamas hat nach israelischer Zählung noch 115 Geiseln in ihrer Gewalt, von denen Israel 41 für tot erklärt hat. In general, it takes longer for the Schicksal to lose consciousness.

Contact Hamas-Angriff

It is a nod to the region where Hamas-Angriff is in Israel and the Krieg in Gazastreifen for the Monaten. A journey is to Egypt, a journey is a journey in Qatar.

In one of the fears of the geiseln it is a moment when the flashing lights start, the family attracts everyone involved, an Abkommen so bare that they are no longer visible. “Wir können es nicht leisten, diese critical Occasion zu verschenken, die letzte Occasion sein könnte”, here’s what. “Den Geiseln läuft die Zeit aus. Jetzt ist die Zeit für entschiedenes Handeln.”

Blinks as I sit in the hotel with the consequences of the disease. When the encounters are demonstrated before the more people of a geisel deal give their opinion and blink, press the Israeli Regie agreement.

The three Mittlers would have found their Monaten a sole in Israel and Hamas. The US has submitted the conflict parties for a new compromise proposal. In one of the joint investigations of the Mittler USA, Egypt and Qatar it is a “remaining gap” of the proposal bridge.

The US has drawn up a polio impact plan in Gaza

While the United States is fighting an Impfplan against polio in Gaza Strip with Israel. The plan will take place in the coming weeks. The Sickness War will take place in the Gaza Strip. The UN has had a fire break, an impfungen before they could be implemented. In late August and September, more than 640,000 children in the world have been protected from the virus, which the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva End of the week has Mitteilte.

(Source: APA)