
NFL: Football star Gosder Cherilus pins Passenger in Flugzeug an

NFL: Football star Gosder Cherilus pins Passenger in Flugzeug an

Cracks to urine attack

Ex-NFL Star Wins Passenger in Flugzeug an!


Gosder Cherilus can’t control his blaze


Irrer Zwischenfall in the US! NFL legend Gosder Cherilus (40) has taken the guard at the Massachusetts State Police on the run. Wegen van Ekel-Vorfall the pilot has to fly around Umdrehen.

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Was war happened? The NFL flight starts with a Delta Airlines flight on the way from Boston to Ireland. After a stunde flugzeit the NFL man has come upon another woman, who has prepared herself and “heard a blase for 20 seconds”, so a zeugin in the police report.

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In the police briefing, Cherilus is grimly engaged in his business. Before the flight takes place, it is possible to have the Sitzordnung gestritten with another Passenger. After the Pipi attack, the Passengers and the Besatzung of the Aircraft are on a shock and are raised in their Security. Nights to swim Uhr drehte der Flieger wieder um mit Ziel Boston!

Kaum in Boston the show continues: The politicians consider the flight sow and made sure that Cherilus zum Ausstieg on, there was “wütend en unkooperativ”. The Ex-NFL-Profi-world has a devious and road-distribution package Verhaltens en Disruption of the flight deployment complained. You get a prize of 2,500 dollars for their free time. There is no vorläufig. Denn: On October 11th must be before the District Court in Boston responsible. Cherilus does not want to come in the Vorfall anymore.