
Formal 1 | Manager Briatore deutet Alonsos Karriereende an

Formal 1 | Manager Briatore deutet Alonsos Karriereende an

At 43, Fernando Alonso is the oldest driver in the Formula 1 starter field. His active contract with Aston Martin is launched in 2026 and then the last Schluss can reach its end. Davon will be manager and long-term partner of team principal Flavio Briatore.

There is still no reason to make Rennstarts in Formula 1 with Fernando Alonso. Aktuell since 392 and until the end of the 2026 season – this is not yet any achievement – was carried out less than 50 days ago. Ob der Spanier danach nog een new Vertrag unterschreibt, ist uncertain.

When Manager Flavio Briatore didn’t get a clue. “If Fernando will continue, the publication of the year 2026 will take place,” he said in the podcast “Formula For Success”. “Ich weiß nicht, wat sich für seine Zukunft voorstelt.”

Formula 1: Alonso became “fitter” in 20 years

It could be that the motivation of the Spaniards is as high as the Spaniards. “Fernando is no longer difficult to understand, so he is not as motivated as a young driver. He is in top form, as fitter as at the time as he is for me”, so Briatore, who became World Champion together with Alonso at Renault in 2005 and 2006.

“I’m glad you’ve been there for 60, 70, 80 kilometres. There’s a day in the fitness studio below, but we’ll be there at night – there’s no swing in Essen,” said the young Renault Team Manager and heutige Alpine-Berater Einblicke in the Trainingsalltag seines Schützlings.

They have both been together since 2004 – the Kombinatie, Teamchef und gleichzeitig Manager Seines Angestellten zu Sein, War Ungewöhnlich, aber Erfolgreich. “We have been living for 22 years”, it is clear that Briatore has been in possession of a 43-year spanier.

Eine einzigartige Beziehung, die in Briatores Augen aber zu seinem Schützling past: “I habe noch niemanden wie ihn gesehen. Unglaublich – er is einzigartig!” One thing is true, if Alonso Ende 2026 – then in Alter von 45 years – another new team is such a würde.