
Montanuni-Rektor Moser: “In Austria, a man with vision…

Montanuni-Rektor Moser: “In Austria, a man with vision…

The Montanuniversität Leoben has an image problem. Junge Menschen wollen die Erde retten, nicht ausbeuten. Gerade in Leoben became climate and environmental protection department, says Rektor Moser.

The Press: The Montan University Leoben is leading under student swamp. Is your fear over a young person who is no longer in tune with the spirit of the times? Sticky note: Climate protection is Bohrlöcher.

Peter Moser: The problem has become more probable. Because it is a demographic development, the development of a young person, a university technical study, which is developed by the human and the new technology, is a new kind of solution.

Aber fell young people glauben, in Leoben lernen sie, Löcher für Erdöl and Erdgas zu bohren. The woolen tie aber nicht mehr.

It is safe to say that the Gegenteil der Fall. It is an economic, economic and social issue that Montanuniversität supports in finding innovative solutions. The Society sees that our planet is no longer in Besseren. It is a growth of the climate heat, the natural diversity, biodiversity and many other Ursaches. This problem is a man of both Seiten der Gesellschaft. Stories of einseits, aber eben auch with new technologies. I have found here a new form of energy extraction, efficient energy extraction, less waste of energy and less waste of energy. Therefore, we will brauchen with junior people who will work with them.

Your Botschaft as Rektor is of course: Wer an der Montanuniversität studyrt, cann more für Klima- und Umweltschutz tun.

There may be a ground legend that can be used. A quick guessing ground comes this Botschaft hard or gar nicht rüber. Of course it may be that you keep yourself busy and there is no more communication.

The following announcement was made: Dear People, I can say nothing else than anyone else, with the Engineer who has found a loss. Perhaps that will hurt the young ones?

You are faced with this question in black: Of course we must change our attitudes. If someone sees the reality, he will become a huge leader in the other direction. The consumption of resources has increased dramatically. A diesel car that uses an electric car is no longer a problem. Only new forms of mobility take us further. Because the E-Motor has no advantages. Because IIASA has done a mobility study in Lisbon and has started its work, the man can rely on mobility with the resources he uses.

But completely without a car of my own.

Yes, we will most of the time rest, it should not be a vehicle, except a driving vehicle. We could find one of the intelligent intelligence solutions, which could bring an investigation and an investigation from A to B.

That’s an exciting one, which applies to the automotive industry.

Besides the white, there are significant changes in the industrial history with the changes on the same page, and the gains on the other side since. Um that wasn’t herum bowls. The great reform is the society in which we have changed our resources. If the person no longer engages with that bot, he will face confrontation even though he has made 50 percent of his purchases.

Meadow view on a Zumutung ist?

If in Austria the view is not the problem, we can still live with the view. If you get to more states, you can find a technological solution.

Jetzt can ask a younger person aber: „Would you like to live in Leoben nor immer Leute aus, die nach Erdöl bohren?“ Was antworten Sie darauf?

It is a matter of our greatest knowledge about the responsibility, which this view will offer after a while. Also in Europe 80 percent of energy supply is based on coal water, sprich oil and gas. If you can no longer use this education, geothermal energy is not so good. Diesel technology with oil and gas in Einsatz comes here. And with this expertise it is possible to store the green water in the Earth. A natural use will show those factories for a long time, an oil and a gas field will stop in no time, even if they no longer want to use oil and gas. Man can no longer have any partner and no longer suffer himself. Part of the problem became our Absolvents and Absolvents for the security of the purchase of CO2 have to worry.

Do you also have no idea that a technology that is running out doesn’t last as long as you want it to stop?

It is a challenge to acquire the know-how of other industries for new solutions.

Dieser Studienzweig is also not an Auslaufmodell?

Ganz in Gegenteil. The gold-plated mittlerweile for all study. Früher goes to the area of ​​Bunt- en Edelmetalle, also Gold, Silber, Kupfer etc., the metal from which they can be extracted. Heutet wendet man diese Technology auch an, um aus Residuals Metal zu gewinnen. It is also recycling. The new storage work for nickel and kupfer is very useful. If you imagine the technology, that’s still not the case. During those years, many other batteries were used.

Unterschätzt de Gesellschaft de Rasanz des technologicalen Fortschritts?

Yes, it is extremely difficult. Everything that is spoken by smart intelligence, weil jeden Tag in der Zeitung steht. It is possible that the technology or the mining is integrated. If 40 years ago his mining engineer had gone into the world, a ton of Kohle opened that perhaps should be used. Was danach passiert, war equal. There are more and more photos with young people, one of the things that have been done to improve the operation of energy efficiency and certainly. It is worth using a ​​​rohstoffingenieur, because there is a final product of the form.

Who is fragmented by the Absolventen Ihrer Universität?

If you are a leader who is so fragmented, if you work in the university, there are a number of issues that you have to go through.

To person

Peter Moser, Rektor der Montanuniversität Leoben

Peter Moser, Rektor der Montanuniversität LeobenMUL/Harald Tauderer

Peter Moser is Rector of the Montanuniversität Leoben in Autumn 2023. It is absolutely worth studying the Montanuni, studying the mountains and getting to know other people at the École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris.

The Montanuniversität Leoben conducted a student collection. In the 2022/23 academic year, Leoben achieved a return of 10.2 percent. A demographic walk is made, while the skepticism at a young age forms a university, one of the sources of raw materials and fossil fuels.

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