
The installed rootkit is available in Windows

The installed rootkit is available in Windows

State hackers were able to solve problems with the rootkit fudmodule before Microsoft had the security problem.

One of the existing rootkit names of the FudModule has installed a long unpatched patch in Windows. The evil of the North Korean Hackergruppe Lazarus said only a few times, that itself could make modern Betriebssystem-systems.

Die Entdeckung: CVE-2024-38193 öffnet Tür und Tor

A Zero-Day Security Hole is a security hole used by Angreifern before a patch is painted. The Security Hole CVE-2024-38193 before the date AFD.sys, the Ancillary Function Driver, is the Winsock API in Windows that is standard.

The security loopholes are possible, system privileges are long and damn the high rights in the operating system that are there. No authorizing code can be used and there are critical system requirements, which are normally protected by Windows security mechanisms.

Let the evil one come after the infamous Hackergruppe Lazarus-stecken. They are gilded as the arm of the North Korean government and is for their extensive Cyberangriff-bekannt. In this fall it is worth installing the Rootkit FudModule. This message is technically in an active article.

FudModule: Der Wolf im Schafspelz

FudModule is not your average malware. If you are dealing with one of the most widely used rootkits, your system anchoring and execution is in big trouble. There is a 2022 started by AhnLab and ESET that has been developed and that is an unreliable solution for the power.

Buying a FudModule is a big challenge, it is a bug that is used in the Windows kernel. This as a “bring your own vulnerable driver” can be useless to Technik, if he is afraid of being in the system.

In 2024, a fixed alarm function will be activated. A new FudModule variable war in the low, central Windows security function with Endpoint Detection and Response and Protected Process Light is as good as possible. These protective measures recognize and block their own, harmful activities.

Microsoft responds with care

The pride in reporting for Avast is only Monate, bis Microsoft ein Patch mit a stellte Verfügung. This care is taken by Lazarus over time, the system can be used and the FudModule can be installed on various systems.

The FudModule-Agriffe focuses on the higher part of the company, which is in the development of cryptocurrencies and in the air and space sectors. These sectors are extremely attractive to hackers, because they can use their data and assets.