
Flying Kings is left and right: Festzelt steht Kopf

Flying Kings is left and right: Festzelt steht Kopf

  2. Lennetal
  3. Plettenberg

Four wonderful things at the Eiringhauser beer court, but the team is a beer court chairman Carsten Göbel and the nationals Katrin Schmidt and André Böcker love the heart and heel of the spannungsbogen for their last right.

Plettenberg – One of the best barrels, which offers everything in the store of the new sales collections, offers musical instruments for the music and creative musical instruments that take the time as soon as possible. Statt fuller deliveries are sogar still support for manchen Schützen

The PSG Beer Court is combing away in Eiringhausen, thanks to the competition.
The PSG Beer Court is combing away in Eiringhausen, thanks to the competition. © Dickopf, Georg

Dennis Hollmann, who completes March with Ehrenmal with a loving twig, has discovered a special drum, one of the “Links-Bumm-Coordination” that he can use. There is a war going on with the complete talent-free version of Philip Engelbertz, who is committed to the future. Gleiches galt für Roger Ackerschotts Versuche, at the Yoga-Stunde and the “Brücke der Verzweiflung” grazil auszusehen.

Roger Ackerschott must be a daring, extremely amusing Yoga practice. GEORG DICKOPF
Roger Ackerschott must be a swinging, extremely amusing Yoga practice best. GEORG DICKOPF © Dickopf, Georg

The first standing ovations were heard on stage like Urgestein Franz Pätzold. André Böcker “accuses” in the massive paper that the Drucker has hunted, “weil der Angeklagte nichts besesseres zu tunte, as die Schichte des Beergerichts von 1925 bis heute zu recherchieren.” This is some meilensteine ​​​​documentiert, in the BG -Zeitung festwaarden en sich als langjähriger früherer Biergerichtspräsident deserves a great Sonderlob.

There was applause for Franz Pätzold and the BG-Chronik.
There was applause for Franz Pätzold and the BG-Chronik. © Dickopf, Georg

Abschied nehmen hieß es nach der ersten Pause von de Auszeichnungen “Macho des Jahres” und “Goldener Besen”. Bei einer Beerdigungsfeier wurden die Macho-Sprüche von Sebastian Kotziers (“Mama soll nicht die Kasse prüfen, sondern Abendessen machen”), Kaiser Wolfgang Stein (“Alle Frauen sind Engel, es sei denn sie ben noch”), Holger Schelper (zum Thema Heirat: „I can buy a cup of coffee, if I drink a glass of milk will“) and Sven Rother beigesetzt. Stattdessen received Hut-Vergesser Joachim Kalthoff a T-shirt as loser of the year.

Rich Wumms hated Torben Kosch, as Robert Dillenberger’s Ersatz mimte de Robelix en nach dem Genuss eines Zaubertranks snapped een halbes Dutzend Papp Figures with PSG-Gesichttern gekonnt umwemmste.

The royal couple Philipp Denter and Janina Cramer converted a beer hump from Andreas Göhrke.
The royal couple Philipp Denter and Janina Cramer converted a beer hump by Andreas Göhrke. © Dickopf, Georg

The PSG-Schöffen respond with their own old painters and sprüchen with “Lieber sechstbestes Schützenfest als een Zelt unter der Brücke” or “1924 – als het Äggeriner Schützenfest nor merry war”.

The other Thron is a Dirk and Anja Hagedorn who have no advantage whatsoever.
The other Thron is a Dirk and Anja Hagedorn who have no advantage. © Dickopf, Georg

Awards go to all-round halfer Thorsten Kirchhoff and ex-emperor Erwin Rother, the owner of the Prangers, which now bears his name. The moderating talent of mayor Ulrich Schulte at a delicious dinner for the Zwei-number and Sabine Böcker with humor, when the very last work in the man is in the sweat, is rightly ertastete.

Erwin Rothers Name depends on his or her native Pranger.
Erwin Rothers Name depends on his or her native Pranger. © Dickopf, Georg

Shortly before the end, Colonel Markus Eweler was the main suspect in a hangover-gate trial, when his song “Always look at the sunny side of life” was played and Kümmerling drank.

Der Beweis: Vermischt man blue en gelb, wird bei Überläufer Olaf Polk grün daraus.
Der Beweis: Vermischt man blue en gelb, wird bei Überläufer Olaf Polk grün daraus. © Dickopf, Georg

Officer Olaf Polk in Hulschoten did not punish with PSG-Hut das vals Lied singen dared, war intellectlich and so wurde was first with blue and yellow Farbe and a white Streifen bemalt. “If man is blue and yellow, it will be nice and warm,” said André Böcker, of the geläuterten Schützen in green-white more schlecht as right the Eiringhausen-Lied krächzen ließ.

The Flying Kings appear at the end with the Zugabe and the
The Flying Kings appear at the end with the Zugabe and the “Nach links, nach rechts-Lied” at the end of the Stühlen on their nice Festzelt. GEORG DICKOPF © Dickopf, Georg

Before the famous Abschluss that the Flying Kings shave, with the Neuzugang Dirk Hagedorn as Zugabe, the Dutch EM song “Nach Links, Nach Rechts” is given an impulse to all communal ausgelassen and the mountain corridor will go to the Abschließenden Straßenfest. GEORG DICKOPF