
Spending übergabe in Elmen für die Kinderhilfe Kapstadt

Spending übergabe in Elmen für die Kinderhilfe Kapstadt

Before you can make a heart-warming donation to the Children’s Aid Kapstadt facility at Hotel Lechzeit in Elmen.

ELMEN (eh). Die Spende wurde een Marlis Schaperthe involved initiator of the organization, overreich. Since 2001 how he fun Project in Kapstadt ins Leben gerufenIf children are given the opportunity to have a happy life, they will be happy, healthy and happy.

3,000 Children’s profits from the projects

At the time when the financial expenses of the nursery school were financed from the children’s playground 3,000 children from the township are regrettedMedical care and education provide high quality debt education. Marlis Schaper thought it was a great idea, which gives children a safe and promising feeling.

Grosszügige Unterstützung aus der Regio

An analysis of the last spending war of the 1970s. Birth day of Hans-Joachim Gundermannknown as Tom, the administrator of the website and friend of Marlis played a role in the organization. Tom, who lives in Elmen, started during the Burtstages for the Kinderhilfe Kapstadt auf. The action is made possible by voluntary actions of the Besucher der Kolpingbühne Witenbachof this KFZ wolf from Stockach, who Municipality of Elmen, Mayor Markus Sojerjust like the Hotels Lecht season in Elmen support.

Grateful Worte and Hoffnung for the Zukunft

Thanks to those large amounts of money you can spend on a Summe von 800 Euro total were, which now the children come to Africa. Marlis Schaper said she was aware of the construction and concrete, which would provide a solution for the construction of the project in Kapstadt.

This spending campaign is a nice initiative for the engagement and solidarity of the people in Elmen and the future. If you say that the gemeinschaftliches Handeln and Mitgefühl das Leben can probably be childish verbs.

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