
ACTION IM FOKUS: SFC Energy will be announced later

ACTION IM FOKUS: SFC Energy will be announced later

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – A boost in profitability has provided the service to the stock of SFC Energy. The paper of the fuel cell manufacturers is in the form of a spread formed 4.7 percent at 21.25 euros and is therefore back to the highest position since the end of July. I have been active for a year with a Plus of a new product in your book, while the stock with the best is in the Small Value Index SDax zählt.

ACTION IM FOKUS: SFC Energy will be announced later

Zwar is nach de Worten an Händlers “nicht ganz leicht”, the Zahlenwerk of SFC Energy is stated. “There are no consensuses”, also durchschnittliche Analystenschätzungen, said there. Dennoch is a positive Entwicklungen, when the Margen in Halbjahr in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr deutlich besser aus en zodem hätten the Aufträge spürbar ziglegt.

Analyst Malte Schaumann of Warburg Research is positive about the profitability of the SDax groups. The research is damned, it is worth growing the equipment of the production of membrane electrode units (MEA) in a quarter of the time and the rest of the time will take a while. SFC tends to use waiting lists in the first half of the year, the roads are right in the sales of MEA offers at the pace. Management assumes that there are no capacities that are in the plan.

“If any of the results of the SFC annual forecast are shown, the end of the profit forecast will probably be or could pose a small problem,” writes the Warburg expert and confirms his “Buy”. His current short-term forecast is worth 29 euros.

After the Worten or Brennstoffzellen-Spezialisten van Brunnthal sollen die Erlöse in Gesamtjahr a beef 20 to 30 Prozent from 141.7 to 153.5 Millionen Euro. The result is a thorough operating budget (Ebitda) with Swiss SFC 17.5 and 22.4 Millions, after 15.2 Million Euros in Vorjahr./ck/nas/stk