
Radsport legend stirs tragic Weise with 50 years

Radsport legend stirs tragic Weise with 50 years

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Former Venezuelan Radrenndriver Daniela Larreal is tragic to be noticed. It has been 50 years now.

Las Vegas – Daniela Larreal, a woman from Maracaibo, Venezuela, follows the Spuren with Daniel and his team in the Radsport. Nun is the South American sports legend in the 50 years that the Venezuelan Radsportverband started working under the Vorsitz of Eliezer Rojas.

Frühere Olympionikin erstickt

Daniela Larreal, the evil Olympiad, helped journalist Ibrahim López in a hotel in the US. This Monday, August 12, she is reported missing. Fox Sport Dear information and information, alert the Police Arbeitskollegen. In Freitag, on August 16, the evil sports competitions were financed in their Wohnung fund. The Todesursache soll “Erstickung durch in ihrer Luftröhre gefundene Reste fester Nahrung” is gewesen sein.

The ehemalige Radrennfahrerin from 1992 in Barcelona to 2012 in London and fun Olympic Games. During the 2002 South American Meisterschaften in San Salvador, the gold and a silver medal were won. The war started during the 2003 Pan American Games in Santo Domingo, which really took off. Larreal discusses the heritage of sportsmen in the history of Venezuelan sports.

Venezuela's Radsportikone Daniela Larreal has died.
Venezuela’s Radsportikone Daniela Larreal has died. © Image/Montage

Leben im Exil weighs Kampf against Korruption

Daniela Larreal lived in exile in the US, in 2013 in the struggle for the former president of Chávez, the power and the fact that she had been exposed to corruption in the Venezuelan Radsport association, while in 2016 she gave an interview with an interview The New Herald explanation. War information in his homeland is expanded and so in the US, where he will throw his sports competitions to other people as an Uber-Driver in the battle.

I am proud of my passion for viewing the Venezuelan Radsportverband with great athletes on Instagram. “Daniela was never a master of sport, but a symbol for Ausdauer, Hingabe and Leidenschaft for sport. (…) Ihr Vermächtnis wird in der Geschichte des Venezuelan Radsports fortbestehen“, lautete das Statement. An Olympionikin from the war in Paris ends in an Unfall. (jsk)