
Zucchini-Pommes aus dem Ofen: Deftiges Recipe with Parmesan cheese

Zucchini-Pommes aus dem Ofen: Deftiges Recipe with Parmesan cheese

Do you want to know if it freezes like a stuffy, heiße Schale frischer Pommes? If the temperature is that high, it is so that my temperature is in the free verb, but the obligatory Zwembad-Pommes is dazu.

Bissen für Bissen tauche ich so in meine allerschönsten Kindheitserinnerungen ab. Sorgenfrei and lightfüßig ensure that after a few summer holidays you have a wonderful holiday. Damals have no thanks to calories, fat or BMI.

The light is natural and it is a dye and a wise choice for a healthier experience that goes so far. But the Genuss bleibt en deswegen gehört auch nor heute zum Freibad die Schwimmbad-Pommes von der Bude nach stundenlangem Plantschen, Rutschen und Bahnen siehen eeninfach dazu.

So I’ll get the sunned Pommes version

Pommes are always delicious – no question. It is no longer possible to suppress a ​​fett and kohlrabi and dementia. We have been busy in the summer on our Linie for eight months, while we went on Pommes from Gemüse.

Our crunchy zucchini potatoes are a great alternative to everything, which is the best and low in carbohydrates. For one thing, the green vegetable is low in calories and packed with healthy ingredients such as vitamin C and vitamin A. For another, our zucchini potatoes were not fried in the deep fryer, if they were to be thrown back in the back – that’s what Menge Fett does.

Also searched for: Polenta Pommes: Cozy Fingerfood with Fruity Salsa

Enjoy the best zucchini pommes with ketchup, aioli, tomato salsa, a dip or guacamole.

Recipe for Zucchini Pommes: Fix power & unfassbar lecker

Pommes or Zucchini? Clearly! Die schmecken nicht nur wahnsinnig gut, sondern sind auch noch super fix gemacht. So it is wise to take up a profession from the Kartoffeln as your heart’s desire.

Our Crossen Courgette-Pommes with crispy Parmesan cheese became a delicious meal and a delicious alternative to a delicious fast food alternative. Try your immediate self!

When eating these dishes, courgettes can be placed naturally on other healthy vegetables. If you want to use a recipe, you can use carrots or parsnips.

Your need:
For 4 portions

  • 5 large courgettes
  • Salty
  • Pfeffer
  • 3 eggs, size M
  • 4 tsp Mehl
  • 100 g Breadcrumbs
  • 60 g Parmesan cheese
  • 2 TL Italian Kräutermischung

And this is how it goes simply:

1. Oven on 180 Grad Umluft (200 Grad Ober-/Unterhitze) preheat

2. Make sure that the paneermehl is mixed with the Parmesan cheese and the Italian herb mixture in a Schüssel mixture and with some salt and Pfeffer würzen.

3. Refine the Eier mit Salz and Pfeffer and turn it into another Schüssel.

Also let: Geronnen, versalzen, zu scharf: 4 tricks against kitchen pans

4. Now pour the Schüssel das Mehl into it and then cut the Zucchini into large pieces.

5. Then bread the zucchini sticks: First coat them in Mehl, then in Egg and then in the Gewürzmischung wälzen.

6. All sticks are placed on a paper backing (order directly from Amazon here*) empty and for approx. 20 minutes gold brown backs.

Our tip: The Zucchini Pommes are extremely delicious with a large amount of Ketchup.

More recipes incorrect? Test Gemüse-Pommes aus dem Ofen: The 4 best Recipes

Still hungry? Our Colleagues of Eat Club have a great atmosphere Recipe for Low Carb Pommes from Petersilienwurzeln.

We would like to spend a lot of time with our meals and enjoy. A photo of Lieblings-Pommes can appear on Instagram or Facebook – what a wonderful experience!