
Friedrichshafen: Sebastian Schneider will perform at the OB-Wahl

Friedrichshafen: Sebastian Schneider will perform at the OB-Wahl

Seit 20 Jahren lebt er in Friedrichshafen and know the themes, the time it took, said Sebastian Schneider. And the Amt des Oberbürgermeisters is like that. The Bewerbung was published in July in the Rathaus, but is still not the 100 new Unterschrifts von Unterstützern.

Schneider was born in 1983 in Schwedt/Oder (Brandenburg), with his father he then came to Lake Constance in the year 2000. For training in the area of ​​​​Car Mechatronics he went to Saxony and then again to Friedrichshafen. Here it can be assumed that we will remain in the area of ​​​​Car Mechatronics, he has changed in the Design Industry. If you have a job in one of the leading functions, the expectations are so great that it is a resentment in the year 2018 in the elections of 2018.

My cutter with fog

So there you go, in the Werkstatt von Ekkehard Badent – ​​​​Ekkis Werkstatt im Fallenbrunnen – zu work. When Badent deliberates on the Kommunalwahl together with Sebastian Schneider in June, the list is adapted to the Einzug in the Gemeinderat. Schneider himself thought: “I will no longer be sorry if anyone here passes a mist after the others.” The aim is now that the OB-Amt an, on these social networks Facebook bezeichnet Ekkis as “unseren Bürgermeister Candidates”.

It could be interesting


Neuer Oberbürgermeister gesucht! Select Candidates for the Posts

Friedrichshafen produces a new Oberbürgermeister. Wer ft seinen Hut as OB Candidate in the Ring?

With Mist Schneider thinks for example the low of the local economy, and the old Stellenabbau at ZF. A mayor must make the city attractive for its machines, a basic piece for Verfügung set, says there. The theme Security is thriving around. There is a father of four children and wise people, who are not going to waste in Dunkeln in the Uferpark. “It can not be that it is a citizen who does not continue, evenings herauszugehen”, said Schneider. There are videos and personal security one and more, it is a necessary alternative for young people. See the personal situation in the overview for an important theme. Ekkehard Badents Konzept a citizen workshop in Fallenbrunnen is how hard it is.

There is a motto for his Wahlkampf hat

Schneider is politically neutral, he says. “Every page has its arguments.” There will always be a punk. With the help of friends it is worth reading the non-scriptures, but it is not that time is so light. Most of the work can only be mechanical. “Ich muss mich ja also mit der Sache auseinandersetzen”, he says. If Facebook is active, you may get a boost at the Wochenmarkt. An art motto for a candidacy that is good: Out of the center for FN.