
The Parliament of Ukraine prohibits moskautreue orthodoxe Kirche

The Parliament of Ukraine prohibits moskautreue orthodoxe Kirche

KIEV (dpa-AFX) – The Russian Angriffskrieges have given the Ukrainian parliament the opportunity to make the Orthodox Church in the country forbidden. The law, the deep in the Church and the Society entered, the war lasted long and lasted long in the Rada in Kiev. By reading and writing, Lesung is a more broad merriment. Of the 322 present Abgeordneten, 265 voted for the law.

Begin with the word with the substantiation of the Moscow patriarchs for the Angriffskrieg in Ukraine. If you are able to leave the Church in Ukraine, the Verbrechen will give their own people justice or with the end of the case arrest. Official serves the Law of the Protection of national security and religious freedom. President Wolodymyr Selenskyj must challenge the Law. If the word of the word is promoted, the gilded hat is no longer available, but the criticism is not yet expanded.