
Görlitz: Neustart der Sächsischen Filmakademie soll “Görliwood” new Schub brought

Görlitz: Neustart der Sächsischen Filmakademie soll “Görliwood” new Schub brought

Since 1 August is the Saxon Film Academy eine GmbH. Am Montag has left the new Gesellschafter in Görlitz.

Burial in Görlitz

Neben der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz und der Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH now offers the Allianz German film production to a slowing Rolle. These are the bailiffs of the Fachkräften for the Mitteldeutsche Filmwirtschaft-sicherstellen and the Marke “Görliwood” stars. Neue Geschäftsführerin ist de Dresdner Produzentin Grit Wißkirchen.

Aufbruchstimmung asked on Monday the Auftritt der Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH and your partner. Before all products of the production alliance are available as recognition at the branch of the Filmstadt Görlitz, these are offered. It is a large interest group for the production and production. With 60 percent contribution it goes to the Hauptgesellschafter. Damit backs the Sächsische Filmakademie and the Filmwirtschaft heran.

From there Filmkulissenstadt and Filmindustriestadt machen

The Görlitzer mayor Oktavian Ursu is pleased that after a year a large amount of money, a bilingual lonely art on the basis of a private film industry, which makes the hand and the high structure of the unified and the new opportunity, a “from a film culture city a film industry city to make”.

“The film and the television lie Görlitz”, says Björn Böhning, CEO of Produktionsallianz. It is the first Mal, the Alliance in the Weise for a best region, grimmâché. This has all the potential, a larger location in Germany will be.

Görlitz has done everything to position the two largest German production companies of Saxonia Media and Luxfilm in the sphere of attention. Also the support by the free state and the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung plays a role.

New Initiative gegen Fachkräftemangel in the film industry

The Sächsische Filmakademie would take the initiative in 2022 to generate the Fachkräftemangel in the regional, but also federal film economy. Before all technical work with room and light assistance is possible, the film school cannot be expanded. The Filmakademie will fill this gap with practical further education opportunities.

If the new structure is a man who has never started on the bed industry of the film industry, the new German film industry, which is an überregional small unbekannte, begins. The Dresdner production comes from the animated film series and war long history at Balance Film. You can do this yourself as a Netzwerkerin.

De nieuwe Gesellschafterstruktur Bundele viel Kompetenzen, sagte Wißkirchen: “Ich glaube, dass wir in diesem Bund sehr viel mit der Sächsischen Filmakademie erreichen können, nicht nur für Görlitz oder für Sachsen, sondern wirklich für die gesamte Region Mitteldeutschland. Und mein Wunsch en Ziel ware : auch über die Regio hinaus.”

Camera, Light, Production: Course for Quereinsteiger planted

If the financing is completed, you can start the new course room, light and production assistance from January. The Angebot focuses on study and study, which orient themselves on wool. It is very important that the size of the whole is hindered.

The Frage, ob es gelingt, the new Fachkräfte in a region that is stuck, Wißkirchen is also skeptical. In the industry a man can be free and project-oriented. See if you know more about production companies in Görlitz: “Wir brauchen vermehrt Filmaktivitäten.”

New beginning for Gorliwood?

“The history of Görlitz urgently needs a new start”, also thought Conrad Clemens, Chief of the State Chancellery and Saxon State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media. There are many people who have done major international productions in Görlitz, with “Inglorious Basterds” (2009) and “Grand Budapest Hotel” (2014), a few years ago lie.

The Stadt Görlitz with more than 4,000 Baudenkmälern is international as Drehort believes. In the meantime, Clemens, we will always have more international and national productions in Australia. There is an urgent need to reform cinema.

These reforms resulted in the revocation of the Bundesregierung. See another example of an travel model vor. Nor is it aber nicht in trockenen Tüchern. Björn Böhning von der Produktionsallianz said he was clear: “Die Zeit ist fünstig”. If the Filmwirtschaft in Deutschland is busy for a while, so it is good that Görlitz as Standortvorteil erweisen.

Quelle: MDR KULTUR (Lars Meyer), Redaktionelle Bearbeitung: ks