
Positiv-Kampagne and ACHTsamkeits-Teller as reactions in Kärnten

Positiv-Kampagne and ACHTsamkeits-Teller as reactions in Kärnten

Eight Euro for a Extra-Teller in a Restaurant at Wörthersee – the Diskussion may not abebben, a Stammtischen and in Sozialen Netzwerken will debate even more fiercely.

Positiv-Kampagne as Image-Pflege

The Discussion of the Gastro-Bashings mancher sei for the Gastronomen wirklich “sehr zermürbend”, such as Christoph Überbacher and Janin Baumann from Restaurant Electric Garden in Techelsberg, gegenüber der Kleine Zeitung erzählen. There is a schlage in Gemüt. Since the government of the German Bundeslandes is making an effort, we will dem entgegentreten wolllte man.

Janin Baumann and Christoph Überbacher have set a stone in motion with their positive campaign

Janin Baumann and Christoph Überbacher have set a stone in motion with their positive campaign

© Private

Both gastronomes have been informed via Facebook, positive Gastro-Experience around the Wörthersee and throughout Carinthia. If you start with the mail yourself, you start a frühstückserfahrung in a backup: „Frühstücken bei der Bäckerei Wienerroither in Pörtschach. Smooth, friendly service, proudly local. Tolle große Auswahl and everything super tasty. We can continue to work together and let go of ourselves,” writes sieben sie. If you serve, you will receive a message on Facebook quickly accumulating 200 comments, 100 times you will receive more than 600 likes.

“Außenwirkung geradücken”

“We are talking about these extremely positive and tolling experiences in gastronomy and tourism in Carinthia, learning and enjoying it is easy to understand,” say the gastronomes. After the regions in the country of the economy and the economy in Germany have had a negative impact, a man can make a positive contribution: ‘Ziel is a schöne Bundesland with all the great gastro and tourist activities and the many other experiences. “

A special restaurant is a No-Go, for others the Lieblings restaurant. “A Zweiteress who puts in a little more effort,” Überbacher and Baumann explain, at the Aktion auch jenes Lokal, that with eight Euro teuren Extra-Teller Stein des Toßes war, “von a zufriedenen Guest as a Lieblingslokal wähnt”.

“Extra motivation”

Man-maché-were op de Werbung voor uder Betriebe, nur gemeinsam konne man etwas erreichen. Die Kellnerin, die in ihrem Posting über die Bäckerei wurde wurde, thanked if you are personally in Nachhinein. “Positive reactions from gastronomes and teams of teams, you get the same motivation – and that’s free, if you don’t know,” says Baumann and Überbacher with Augenzwinkern.

Eigen Aktion der Kärnten Werbung

As we learn more about the gastronomy of Lake Wörthersee, the Kampagne is being hyped as one of the best ways to transform the Carinthian Werbung into the social networks.

Mittlerweile hat de Karnten Werbung aber a separate Action, angesport von jener der Electric Garden-Gastronomen, ins Leben geufen. With a lot of ‘negative and polarizing discussions in a positive story and for the chores’, it is. Gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaftskammer (Sparte Gastronomie) starts with the Kärnten Werbung an Aufruf an Kärntner Wirte mit dem Vorschlag, an “ACHTsamkeitsteller” – in the Anlehnung and those eight Euro, which im affected Pörtschacher Restaurant for the Extra-Teller were farchnet – zu krreieren .

Gericht als Zeichen der Wertschätzung

Vonseiten der Karnten Werbung erklärt man, dass dieses Gericht die “Wertschätzung gegenüber unserer Nature, unseren Produzenten, Lebensmitteln, Köchen, Wirten und natürlich gegenüber unseren Guests darstellen” soll. The price for those ACHTsamkeitsteller soll eight Euro. Jeder Wirt can bring his own creative ideas to the Teller here, the value of the Lebensmittel is reflected more broadly.

Klaus Ehrenbrandtner's statement: “We have focused on a polarizing discussion and the evidence for the quality of Kärnten's hospitality.”

Klaus Ehrenbrandtner’s statement: “We have focused on a polarizing discussion and the evidence for the quality of Kärnten’s hospitality.”

© Thomas Hude

If all goes well, the action can be carried out if there is active guest funding (see Info-Box). “With our friends, we are always happy to welcome our guests during their stay and share our positive thoughts about the Kärntner gastronomy,” says Klaus Ehrenbrandtner, Geschäftsführer der Kärnten Werbung. Erklärt: “We have resolved a polarizing discussion and focused on the focus on the quality of Kärnten’s hospitality.”