
XORTX presented on the American Society of Nephrology – Kidney Week 2024 and

XORTX presented on the American Society of Nephrology – Kidney Week 2024 and

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CALGARY, ALBERTA, August 20, 2024 / IRW-Press / XORTX Therapeutics Inc. (“XORTX” or “Unternehmen”) (NASDAQ: XRTX | TSXV: XRTX | FWB: ANU), An Pharmaceutical drugs in the späten clinical phase, when it comes to innovative therapies for the treatment of non-recoverable diseases, it may happen that it is a at the American Society of Nephrology (“ASN”). The Abstract with the Title “Xanthine oxidase in rats, mice and humans with polycystic kidney disease” (Xanthin oxidase in rats, mice and humans with polycystic kidney disease) was assessed by ASN-Prüfungsausschuss for the scientific merits and new research. The University of Colorado study at Dr. Charles Edelstein was performed and sponsored by XORTX. This is the session with the title “Genetic diseases: cystic – therapeutic research and prognosis” (Genetic Diseases: Zystische Erkrankungen – Therapeutische Untersuchungen und Prognosen) präsentiert.

About this study

The enzyme Xanthinoxidase (‘XO’) is an essential enzyme, which contains the resins of the substance, and which is useful for the abbreviation of purine nucleotides. The resin is a reactive type of sauerstoff, which is released by the enzymatic reaction, whereby the disease-killing can become a damaging role in the circular running system and in web games. The new track-breaking discoveries in animal models of polycystic kidney disease (“PKD”) have created an overexpression or overactivity of XO. It is not possible to use an overexpression or overactivity of XO in people with PKD or a progressive progression of the associated disease. Soul of the Study Wars, Recognition of your gains, with a high XO-Activity for a Zystenwachstum führt. The XO-activities work at PCK(i)-Rats, PKD1RC/RC (RC)-Mäusen and 34 patients from the clinical HALT-PKD-Study collected.

In my summary the study studies were done using the mouse, rat and human studies of PKD. If you do research you can see more about the xanthin oxidase active substance (XOa) in the serum in the different PKD levels and that active action with the volume and the amount of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the setszen. The research has had a great influence on the abnormal clearance in the PKD web on the XO enzyme activation with the concentration of zirconium resins, the enlargement of the kidneys and the enzymes that can improve its functional action of the glomerular filtration rate. Previous study results cannot say that an overexpression of XO in the PKD kidney network is a Remarkably a enzyme that can be used. XORTX will be a new update of the results of the previous study in the first week of November.

Dr. Allen Davidoff, CEO of XORTX, said, “There will be a poster presentation at the American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting during Kidney Week 2024, a new study on the PKD study. The bottom line is that the research on data material from mouse and rat models of human studies of PKD is of negligible merit, which can show a high level of serum resin concentration or an abnormal expression of XO in the renal web with a rapid damage. The XRx-008 program is looking forward to a new knowledge, which uses the Xanthinoxidase Value bzw. an active Xanthinoxidase is followed by a PKD that can be displayed. “

View the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week

The ASN cares for more than 21,000 kidney patients who care for people with kidney disease and their families. (Source:

The Kidney Week Conference 2024 in Orlando, Florida, with 10,000 kidney specialists from all parts of the world considered. The Kidney Week is the most important meeting of nephrology and offers the opportunity to awaken the disease and to respond to the wisdom sauce, the knowledge of new research and medical fortifications will be an exciting and provocative discussion with leading experts in the area. (Source: American Society of Nephrology – Program and Abstracts)

The Kidney Week program has started ASN website available. The abstracts will be available on the ASN website on October 14, 2024.


ADPKD is a rare disease that has affected more than 10 million people since. 1,2 ADPKD is usually performed with the correct diagnosis of automatic diagnosis. I can spend time expanding and expanding the structure and functionality of the change of new features and developing chronic symptoms, which for ADPKD patients3 typically a serious problem.

Once you have found the source of the healthy substance, which functions as a combination of the Zysten technology, then it is another pleasure of the kidney function, a fibrosis, which has a good effect on the kidneys and another kidney function ließlich zu een Renal disease in the Endstadium führt.1 There are reports that the following messages are a high level of concern in the ADPKD patient, one of the most important warnings of Nierensteinen5 and Gicht.6.7 For people with progressive ADPKD it is important that there is a blood pressure-sensitive treatment that contains a number of errors. For a treatment of patients who want to perform a pharmaceutical therapy4It is new that more and more therapies are being used, one of the patients who work with ADPKD treatment.


  1. Wiley C., Kamat S., Stelhorn R., Blais J., Analysis of national data to determine the incidence and diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in the US, Kidney Disease, 5(2): 107-117, 2019
  2. Bergmann C., Guay-Woodford LM, Harris PC, Horie S., Peters DJ, Torres VE, Polycystic kidney disease, Nat Rev Dis Primers. 4(1): 50, 2018
  4. Gimpel C., Bergmann C., Bockenhauer D., et al., International consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in children and adolescents, Nat Rev Nephrol 15(11):713-726, 2019
  5. Torres VE, et al, The association of nephrolithiasis and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, Am J Kidney Dis, 1988, vol 11, 318-325
  6. Newcombe, DS. Brief Gouty arthritis and polycystic kidney disease, Ann Intern Med, 1973 vol 79, pg 605
  7. Rivera JV Martinez, et al, Association of hyperuricemia and polycystic kidney disease, Bol Asoc Med PR, 1965 vol 7 251-263

About XORTX Therapeutics Inc.

XORTX is a pharmaceutical company that has developed the products in the clinical stage of the stadium: 1) a XRx-008 main program for the treatment of ADPKD and 2) a side program with XRx-101 for the treatment of the kidney damage, so that others also an organ in Zusammenhang with the mCoronavirus / COVID-19 infection. Use an XRx-225, a program in the foreclinical stadium for the treatment of a nephropathy in type 2 diabetes, equipment.

XORTX works in the clinical lung stage of clinical development of products, which work on a metabolic and xanthinoxidase basis and distort the resin production or so much so. With XORTX you have a drug treatment, the quality of health care and the care of patients that serve you. Check out the information about XORTX below

For further information please contact:

Allen Davidoff, CEO

[email protected]

+1 403 455 7727

Nick Rigopulos, Director of Communications

[email protected]

+1 617 901 0785

Kim Golodetz, LHA Investor Relations

[email protected]

+1 212 838 3777

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