
So radical since those changes!

So radical since those changes!

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  1. 1Still not everything ideal

If diplomacy no longer exists, the Truppen must be exchanged. Grundsätzlich bleibt das Konzept von een Kampfeinheit pro Feld im siebten Teil erhalten. If this is the case, the Entwickler is a few new ideas, which more Würze in the Schlachten solen.

A central role plays the new Kommandanten, the army in Civ 7 with more art-influxes. It is not that you are active, but with Befehlen you can make a good deal with the best actions – and more and more problems can occur on a Soul. As long as the Kommandanten are still active, a Skill-Tree with upgrades can be performed. If you have a problem, it is best to pack a weapon and use some other equipment. So you can use a complete force in time to make a connection and it can happen that you click on the front.

The unbranded character is just one of the few graphic images that are made with animations. The man looks beyond the intestines of the Flankenangriffen. Greifen with a lone unseren Widersacher, both of them are mistaken for each other in a continuous animation. Dadurch is sie bounden. It is thus that the direction that the Gegner has fallen in the Flanke, is chosen for an Angriffsbonus.

Still not everything ideal

If the Spielgrafik of Civ 7 is a good story about power, a Nutzer interface with research to more negative results. If you are no longer intuitive, you can not understand the game or even rudimentary. Especially the war and the menu at Friedensverhandlungen. When our problem occurred on the Entwickler: Grundsätzlich entspricht das Interface zwar dem, was man als Ziel hat. The most important thing is that releasing a feint on the program is not possible. Wir verbuchen das also not under work in progress.

There is a long way to the main critical punk and the civil war: the AI. Die has bisher stets damit geglaänzt, everything else as smart to act. If you want to look at the astronomy, then the AI ​​will play with erfahrenen-games with a konnte at all. After the Entwickler had found the new game mechanics of AI, it was Balancing-hilft. If the Kommandanten go into battle, the Armen can pack a package or the Research Zäsur at the Zeitalterwechsel.

Conflicts of the Modern

Source: Firaxis Games / 2k Games

It is possible that you will get an answer to the question. So if you are entitled to a party with an army and a non-sere Borders, you can pack the city and exclude a city with a dominant singer. By the PC game has started a komplette part with smart or smart display of the title and its release. Wir haben da noch so unsere Zweifel.

It does not take longer for the day to be on both Zeitalter, but it will never have been a problem. And how strong the world in the era is, and on the dynamics of a single party a current ninth. On the paper everything is interesting and richly positioned.

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Would you like to be a weder with the world congress? For a play in the modern? What is religion in the new toy concept? It was possible to say: After a fortnight with Civ 7 the famous “only one round” feeling came back again. It is not that you can do another investigation and use one of the many new experiences. For the sake of happiness we do not have to wait any longer until February.


With Civ 7 the Entwickler would break the Erfolgsformel with zhlreichen downfalls. The first time the end is reached, there is more power and lust for more.

Civilization 7 launches on February 11, 2025 for PC (Steam and Epic Games Store), PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Linux, Mac, and Nintendo Switch. Once the 2K games are added, the Deluxe Edition or Founders Edition will be released on February 6. Transparenzhinweis: Publisher 2k Games takes care of hotel and travel expenses for the entertainment event.