
Kevin Costner about “Horizon”: “It’s my life, my life”

Kevin Costner about “Horizon”: “It’s my life, my life”

Kevin Costner talked about his Western epic “Horizon,” where Waffen was a part of the American identity and a career with Walt Disney.

Mr. Costner, he has had a passionate life, as the Costners are a wealthy and powerful Rancher family in Oklahoma What do you think of Duttons from the Erfolgs series “Yellowstone”?
Yes, maybe, that’s what you can do.

His big brother Walter Madison Costner and war in the 30s a ranch and farm in Oklahoma and brought a Tages his money in a bank, that is certainly so. A stunde später schloss the Bank and the money not wieder. There is a world war and everything that is war, is gone.
Yes, while it is the time of the Durre-War, the “Dust Bowl” is dying, and it will not last now. If it was a war, the war would be destroyed. My family lost everything and must go to California to find a job. This is the great film “The Fruit of the Zorn” by John Ford with Henry Fonda. The film is also the history of my family.

Who has the lust for the assets and the things that the family makes possible?
Completely uninteresting. My father must have a new proof in California, there is an electric current. If one of the previous people has taken a risk, this is a risk. I was born in 1955, and although I was young, I waited very much, I was a risk taker, my father and my mother were causing a lot of worries.

Kevin Costner and his Eltern at a premiere

“My Father Takes Every Risk”: Kevin Costner with Parents Shannon and William at the premiere of “Thirteen Days” on December 19, 2000 in Los Angeles

© Vince Bucci / Newsmakers / Getty Images

What do you mean by that?
When the war with the Bremsen begins, it is about freedom and the fight against the city. My mother mumbles, I think I can’t stop talking, I will wage a war with a person and with a waffle that undergoes the tag.

If the years take time, it’s just a matter of time Walt Disney. What is that called?
The war started in 1960 and the war with my mother and my brother was in Disneyland. Dort konnte man auf Eseln by the “Frontierland” to do again. If it is good, I am at the end of the Tour stellte ich how I will ever return. If it is so that there is an absperrung, the VIPs will be sure. If I a drunter by one of the VIPs, a big Mann, and. There is a problem with sharing the content, it is a miracle that there are cases. At first I thought that Mutter was the Walt Disney war.

If you are busy for a while, you can use a Waffe dabeihatten for a while. If you see the movie “Horizon”, go to the Series “Yellowstone” and the Freedom-a-Society is described, which is based on Gewalt and Waffen. Is America spoken like this until today?
Yes, that’s right. The violence comes with weapons. Wobei, just to have a weapon is not, just to bring someone around. If you want to get a bed, you have to do that. Weapons have never been so old, when people use a machine and no more, a rolled person will end up in nature, so that he can stop.

Kevin Costner and Kelly Reilly play a Baum-leaning character in "Yellowstone"

Western Pate: Costner as powerful rancher John Dutton with Kelly Reilly as Tochter Beth in the series “Yellowstone”

© Danno Nell / Imago Images

If otherwise, the idea is for the people to form a star and not threaten anyone.
Yes, and that is a big problem. You have to understand American history. America has become like a young generation of industrial companies and how the young country fought in the Second World War, in a davon on the two fronts, in Europe the Nazis and in the Pacific against the Japanese. Dadurch wurden Waffen is a part of the American identity of the Bos. The problem is that the problem is solved and that it is bad that you have ties.

Do you fancy some Waffen in de Schrank?
Yes, a little. Another would be my childhood. If you are clear again, I know that American culture wants this Waffen culture. Dazu Brauchen will probably be schärfere Gesetze and Kontrollen. It is a matter of passion, Waffen has never been like this embedded, politics and the lobby will do that too.

If there is a part of the “Horizon” on the European Siedler, who in America in his spare time and the experiences in the future such experiences. War is a strange thing, if the country in the country is not obedient?
No, if you do not want to know anything or anything, this is not possible. If it does not work anymore, it is a country from the 500 year long Indian-Nationen-War, the different languages ​​hate and their own borders sucked. They thought it would be an Indian-nation. If you do that, you can only shift. If you are erased.

In “Horizon” Siedler the Indianer-Jägern becomes a Prämien for the Skalpe Cashiers. Was it with the Siedlern, which was reconciled in the fried Koexistenz?
That’s okay, it’s okay people. And it’s all a good thing and a strong woman, who’s in my film. After the Sache war has died, the country that the war has besieged, no more right and no more war, the man will be interrogated and can be robbed. In the city and the city where the right is the right of the empire, the longer and more.

If you have been in Los Angeles eight years or more ago in a cinema-breitwand-film “Das war der Wilde Westen” with Gregory Peck and John Wayne and many other Hollywood stars. The film appeared in the first place, as it is.
The war that Weite and the Beauty of the Lands waged, that on the Leinwand, and the war of the Gefühl that was freedom, in that Land a man was a real man. Bei mir als smaller Junge. A schauspielerei or in Filmen mitzumachen ich damals noch nicht thought.

Gregory Peck, Thelma Ritter, Robert Preston and Debbie Reynolds "That was the Wild West"

Gregory Peck, Thelma Ritter, Robert Preston and Debbie Reynolds (left) in Western epic “Das war der Wilde Westen” (1962). Costner sees the film as smaller and more belligerent

© Ronald Grant / Imago Images

When they were young and a few years apart, Cowboys and Indians were the heroic figures playing fast-paced children’s games. Isn’t that so?
No, not at all, it’s a big change. There are a lot of figures from Marvel movies from Heroes. That’s the Zeit.

Follow the man in Ihren Filmen Ihrer Passion des Wilden Westens, it is a moment that is one of the most exciting moments of life. A Mann, a Pferd, Sternenhimmel, Lagerfeuer and the Freiheit in your Himmelsrichtung are more possible. War is a fact?
No, certainly not. The war has become more complicated, but it is a matter of time that you are overly concerned. The horse had to be pflegt and gefüttert, the man himself had to make a first discovery in essence. Anyway? If a restaurant is closed, it is no longer possible. If a hotel has a Zimmer hat, look for another one. And if you are human, the people on the road are nice, but you can never have a friend or a friend. It is war.

Dennoch, if a Zeitmaschine goes, he would go on a trip in a year in the summer of 1870, now it is so that it is war in his films?
Yes, the world is now one of the best prices in the past, we will definitely know how our children’s wool is worth.

Is a Kevin Costner wise, who is a man?
Although it is not so, we are so regularly busy, that the man can turn to the best person. It is a good thing, man was quickly in worse society and found himself quickly in fighting again.