
Who is recycled from the plastic mountain from the recycling industry – Sonnenseite

Who is recycled from the plastic mountain from the recycling industry – Sonnenseite

An article in health care – from gloves to blood clots to its surgical treatment – ​​has become a good problem.

Your Verwendung has made a grim impression for a number of years, and it is a good method for the recycling of medical plastic products. Researcher of the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden has not now done research, but the error has fallen in the area of ​​health and efficiency of recycling, in which the material is protected and transported in chemical Bausteine ​​​​, whereby the recovery of new plastic is used.

An article for the Health and Safety Authority has caused enormous changes in the current situation and the fall. The consequences of the fall have become increasingly common, in many states they are in the Müll depots and can end up in the environment. The COVID pandemic has made a bill out of the words of an article. Estimates will be imposed in the year 2022 on all facial masks used worldwide around 2,641 tons per day.

In the Kreislaufwirtschaftspolitik, medical errors were often made. Medical electronic articles are usually made of different plastics, which cannot be recycled with current technology. If you want to use the article on the sales page as a contact ad and more information, you can increase the risks of the potential spread of the infection. In the repair of electronic articles for health care, it is not possible that recycled plastic is used, the quality of the material and its quality, which is best for medical treatment, is so poor.

All these problems are solved with the new one, from Chalmers-Forschern. The technology consists of “thermochemical recycling” and is based on a process called “Steamcracking”. It can happen that the temperature of the sand is increased to a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius. The plastic molecules were then fired and in a gas walking route, the building block for new plastic developed.

“Humans can with a heat-resistant hammer, the Molecule zerschlägt and gleichzeitig Bacterien and other Microorganisms zerstört,” says Martin Seemann, außerordentlicher Professor at the Chalmers Division of Energy Technology. “It was very difficult, since several Arten von Kohlenstoff- und Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen. These can be removed and used in the petrochemical industry, replacing a fossil material used in production.”

Grosses Potenzial zur Einsparung wertvoller Chemikalien

Because the technology has been used in the practical testing, the Forscher projects have been paralleled in a test version at Chalmers Power Station during the test period. There are projects that contain a number of different product types, with face masks and plastic gloves, the sale of which is not possible. I have carried out a project that is a Gemisch, that the breakthrough of the Krankenhaus-abfällen from the Krankenhäusern of the regional representative takes place. The different types of materials have been changed to plastic materials containing zellulose.

The results were positive in both projects, the great potential of the technology. One of the projects of Judith González-Arias was launched at the University of Seville in Spain.

“Was this technology so exciting, it is a problem that brings the biggest problem, that there is working with medical one-way products in the sale. The thermochemical recycling is no longer the problem that the medical waste treatment is no longer recycled, but there is a problem with the recovery of the substance. This is in full Einklang with the Grundsätzen der Kreislaufwirtschaft and a nachhaltige release for the urgent problem of the medical degradation of the organization”, said Judith González-Arias.

The only option for products with reinforced requirements

Many manufacturers of health materials are very interested, a circular run model will be purchased, while the products can be recycled and reused in a closed circular run. Materials, which are used in sterile articles in the usual used goods, have become stricter and have a pure quality and quality, the sorting and mechanical recycling of plastics in the ground can not be carried out. With thermochemical recycling goods are no longer available.

“There is only one Möglichkeit, this Art of Abfällen in the Kreislauf zurückzuführen,” said Martin Seemann. “It is so elegant, the chemical industry of the material, it is one of the molecular substances that can be used, who can travel in new material.”

„These gleichen strengthen the safety and cleanliness and quality of the packaging itself. Deshalb will remove most of the plastics from packaging material or the recycled item, for its minor quality.

Both projects are being carried out in the area of ​​Chalmers construction, which will obtain a good plastics factory in Rohmaterial for new high-quality plastic products.

The technology works well, but other factors also come into play

With the method of spreading, new material flows and functional business models will be used in the future to increase health and the recycling sector. It may be that thermochemical recycling in the Society will be carried out on the basis of the breeder.

“Definite political separation operations could influence the world of plastics factories as Rohstoff for the industry and the chances for the Schaffung-functioning district orientation-oriented business modeling of such an art of recycling. So there is a simplification of the analysis of carbon dioxide in the acquisition of plastics, which deals with more energy-efficient alternative technologies that can no longer be invested,” says Martin Seemann.

In many states, the technical provisions for the recycling of medical waste and other mixed plastics factories have been created by steam cracks. All kinds of different types of written and structured terms, was the best, which also summarized the industry of the Abfallwirtschaft, the chemical industry and the product recovery, a versweedenen Orten der Welt functional Wertschöpfungsketches to buy.

More about: those Bedingungen in Sweden

In Sweden, there is a great interest in recycling in industry, but an article on the general economy has not found any decrease in volume for a functioning Kreislaufwirtschaftsmodel. In the year 2019, around 4,000 tons of such plastics were brought to the market in Sweden.

“An analysis in one of the rentable thermochemical recycling products of the big companies, must be a man for a material flow of 100,000 tons for a year,” says Judith González-Arias. Such waste mixing is common in Sweden, but it only goes there, to change from one processing art to another.

For a commercial thermochemical recycling, at the disposal of the health part of the material flow, new cooperations between different actors are required. The process is optimized as a company in a best-handed chemical cluster, which works in Stenungsund. The Chalmers-Forscher are working on the technology of the external Borealis technology.

In Sweden there is a recycling quota for plastic, which has never existed. The great Anteil wird stattdessen burned.

“Thermochemical recycling works during the new political approach, which a recycling for our plastic-free waste purchases, and meaning gain,” says Martin Seemann. “The technology is more energy-efficient than another method for recycling plastic components, such as the separation of carbon dioxide during combustion, a carbon dioxide as a building block for new materials of use.

More about: the research

The article Steam gasification as a viable solution for converting single-use medical devices into high-yield chemical building blocks for the plastics industry was published in Resources, Conservation and Recycling. The study at Chalmers University of Technology was conducted by Judith González-Arias, Renesteban Forero-Franco, Chahat Mandviwala and Martin Seemann.

If you want to watch a movie, its thermochemical recycling function is.


Chalmers University of Technology 2024 | Johanna Wilde | Translated with