
Ex-Funktionär Bruchhagen plädiert for 20 teams in the Bundesliga

Ex-Funktionär Bruchhagen plädiert for 20 teams in the Bundesliga

Heribert Bruchhagen’s new football function focuses on a Bundesliga experience for 20 clubs. “Wir is one of the things in Germany, but there has been a win, the country has become bigger, after the Bundesliga in the Achtzigerjahren has not yet played 18 clubs,” the 75-year-old said in an interview with the “Zuid-German Zeitung “. Else etwa in Ländern mit großen Ligen wie England, els Spanien or Italien wurde in Deutschland nur nach der Wiedervereinigung in der Saison 1991/1992 met 20 Mannschaften spielt.

“Der Vorteil bei erweiterung auf 20 Vereine wäre: Man würde nobodyem etwas nehmen. A man who has little Hektik and a bisschen more Ruhe in the first League – weil more Clubs ihr Ziel, the Classenhalt, therereichen “, my integer of the long-term Vorstandsvorsitzende of Eintracht Frankfurt. “We will continue to work as a trainer and learn more about it. Aber das is of course everything in Konjunktiv spoken.”

Bruchhagen geht von etlichen Trainerwechseln aus

Before the Freitag starts in the Bundesliga-Saison, a Cheftrainer-Wechseln is used, while now a minority of Clubs are in the Wünsche umsetzen-könne. “At least eight of the 18 trainers were not in the first season of the season in their first job,” says Bruchhagen, who was also a member of Schalke 04, Arminia Bielefeld, the German Football League and was also in the position of Hamburger SV.

If there are top clubs that are active in Zweitligisten Schalke and der HSV, then Bruchhagen is not there. “The great traditions are like a tanker, they operate a powerful machine. That costs money and benefits, and leads to the success of the Diadochenkämpfen wie in Hamburg, Hannover or Schalke.”

Smaller Clubs who make Mainz “machen es slim”

Investors who helped clubs from Wolfsburg, Leverkusen, Hoffenheim or Leipzig, money-losing and slumping structures become lighter and more brutal Haghagen. “And the smaller clubs in Augsburg, Mainz or Heidenheim are smart, they can’t manage more than one big publikum.”

Bruchhagens Fazit: “The weight of the traditions is not: the tradition clubs see the masses and are concerned about the final quotes, since aber financial in the night.” Under these conditions is also the 50+1 rule, which borders the Einfluss of Investors soll, „dauerhaft infrage gestelt en dedroht“. Ergebe de Regel dennoch.

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