
Stadtwerke stops Fernwärme-Ziel for unerreichbar

Stadtwerke stops Fernwärme-Ziel for unerreichbar

Stadtwerke stops Fernwärme-Ziel for unerreichbarThe Stadtwerkverband VKU sees planting plants at the Climate Fund at Fernwärme and Kraftwerksneubau in Gefahr during 2025. “With the improvement of the climate and transformation fund, they will be responsible for the maintenance of the environment,” says VKU-Hauptgeschäftsführer Ingbert Liebing of the Rhe inischen Post” (Mittwochausgabe).

Die Plane würden für Unsicherheit sogen und Vertrauen zerstören. Zur Fernwärme mahnte Liebing: “The clear soul of the Federal Government, the Anteil der Fernwärme bis 2045 zu verdreifachen, was not purchased with the Mittelausstattung des Fernwärmeprogramms BEW.” Laut a prognos study worth about 3.4 billion euros, for 2025 to 2029 a small amount of 3.4 billion euros is calculated in the Haushalt for the BEW single plant.

“Were more time efficient in terms of weather construction, it is not a problem when it comes to the Bremse stehen,” says Liebing. The city work association sees the Neubau der Kraftwerke in Gefahr, which solves the current organization, when the wind does not flow and the sun does not shine: “We are not able to solve the problem, but we do not have to pay for the financing of the Kraftwerkstrategy. in keiner Form gesichert ist,” says Liebing. The Climate and Transformation Fund has won the VKU 250,000 euros for the year 2025 for the expenditure of the Kraftwerk strategy and has only provided a few more years of relief for the year. The total cost of the new power stations is estimated at a figure of two billion euros.

Photo: Fernwärme-Leitung (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur