
EQS News: Kapsch TrafficCom AG: Kapsch TrafficCom

EQS News: Kapsch TrafficCom AG: Kapsch TrafficCom

EQS News: Kapsch TrafficCom AG / Schlagwort(e): Quartals-/Zwischenmitteilung

Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter of 2024/25.

21.08.2024 / 07:15 CET/CEST
Inhaling the Mitteilung is the Issuer / Herausgeber responsible.

Kapsch TrafficCom – Results for the first quarter of 2024/25.


  • At 5 o’clock % on EUR 139 I ​​strived.
  • Significant operational representation, but EBIT growth from consolidation effects with
    EUR -3 Mio. weiterhin negative and at Vorjahre level.
  • Net assets and free cash flow deliver financial results.
  • Ausblick Gesamtjahr 2024/25: Umsatzwachstum über Marktwachstum en
    Improvement of the achieved EBIT.
If nothing else happened, everything is worth millions of euros. Q1 2023/24 Q1 2024/25 +/-
Reversed 132.1 138.9 +5.2%
EBIT1) -3.3 -3.4 -3.0%
EBIT margin1) -2.5% -2.4% +0.1 percentage point
Period energy, the anteilseignernzuurchenbar -5.9 -9.9 -68.5%
Result is Action (EUR) -0.45 -0.69 -53.2%

1) Anpassung Vorjahr: Ausweis der Gewinne aus derivative Finanzinstruments in Finanzerträgen

Vienna, August 21, 2024 – The first quarter of the business year 2024/25 said a wesentliche employee of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group. Der Umsatz could no longer be bothered to be raised. The large profit margins (EBIT) remained negative in the consolidation at the level of the previous century. As soon as the net growth of the revenues and the cash flows deliver the best results.


The allocation rose from EUR 132 million. in the first quarter of the year by 5% to EUR 139 million. in the first quarter of 2024/25. The EBIT war with EUR -3 million. further negative and on the previous year level, there were no operators in the reporting period. We know that the negative EBIT in the economic growth in Africa has a positive impact on -7 million euros. taxed. Kapsch TrafficCom was able to improve the performance of its employees and they have never been effective. It is said that there is restructuring and cost savings.

The financial support ranged from -2 million euros. at EUR -3 million. zurück, especially the zinsergebnis with EUR -2 Mio. negative work.

The anteilseignern is a sour period that lags behind -10 million euros. to EUR -6 million. in the Vergleichsquartal des Vorjahres. That decline is in the future with the consolidation of power in Africa, which is a one-time mistake of the never-before-executed periods of energy supply by its change. It is very important that you take an action
EUR -0.69 (Vorjahr: EUR -0.45).

Segmentation cycle.

The Segment Maut 74% zum Gesamtumsatz bei, the Segment Verkehrsmanagement 26%. I have lost part of the costs of 95 million euros. um 9% to 103 million euros. The EBIT we have booked going forward is a project margin in North America with a value of -8 million euros. negative war, betrug im Berichtszeitraum EUR 3 million. In Segment Verkehrsmanagement lag der Umsatz with 36 million euros. um 5% below the Vorjahresumsatz of 38 million euros. The EBIT went from EUR 4 million. at EUR -7 million. zurück, wofür der kleineer Umsatz and in particular that Entconsolidatierungseffekte in Africa were responsible.

Regionally are involved in the management in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa) with an average of 8%. Positive is that the Americas region (North, Central and South America) has an average of 5%. Scalable verzeichnete Kapsch TrafficCom in the Asia-Pacific region has closed down by 16%.

Finance and wealth.

The cash flow from the bet amounts to EUR 4 million. to EUR -15 million. I am in the quarter of the previous year. The essential inflow factors have a huge cash flow from the entire economy with 11 million euros. the capital flow from the consolidations in Africa contained (previous year: EUR 0 million). Other matters were about the net growth assets that were all offered by the reduction in benefits and loans at -4 million euros. back. In the years that the change in net income in the first quarter is still completely negative (2021/22: EUR -16 million; 2022/23: EUR -19 million; 2023/24:
EUR -18 million; jewellery Q1).

The free cash flow was positive at EUR 1 million in the first quarter of 2024/25, after EUR -16 million. In the comparison quarter of the previous year and clearly negative values ​​in the previous years (2021/22: EUR -11 million; 2022/23: EUR -21 million; 2023/24: EUR -16 million; adjusted for Q1). Capital investments are at their best during the financial settlement.

In der Bilanz was the end of the previous history of the treatise of the verzeichnen. Significant wartime infringements on the decline in supplies with charity and leistungen and the subsequent kurzfristigen-mögenswerte of 131 million euros. at 116 million euros, from the Zahlungseingänge in Folge der high fakturierten Umsätze in de letzten Monaten des Vorjahres zurückzuführen ist. Der Anstieg der Kurzfristigen Vertragsvermögenswerte aus Kundenverträgen von EUR 78 Mio. up to 95 million euros. said that the new high analysis of the Aufträgen has been carried out. Finanzverbindlichkeiten wurden in Höhe of 12 million euros. entsprechend de Falligkeiten von lang-zu kurzfristig omgegliedert.

The Entkonsolidierungen in Africa will continue with the Bilanzstichtag 31. March 2024 zu a Rückgang der Bilanzsumme of EUR 444 Mio. up to 432 million euros. The ownership ratio of 19% to 20% is still maintained. The term for the net overdebt is high
106 million euros. at 110 million euros, with an estimated debt amount of 129%. Jedoch was able to reduce its debt burden by 491% within a year as of June 30, 2023.


For the year 2024/25, management is one of the best results of Grand View Research, whose market expectations between 2024 and 2030 are 7.5%. The operational performance (EBIT) is equal to an overall performance benefit of EUR 15 million. – a light Verbesserung said, we still have positive Einmaleffekte möglich since. The pride of the improvements Situation lies after who for Augenmerk auf dem Thema Costs.

While management is busy expanding the debt load and other liabilities, net debt can still be reduced. Ziel is a longer period of a Mindest-Level of net excess debt with an EBITDA of a value of 3.0x.

The “Highlight Report” is the first quarter of 2024/25 that we find material from the Ergebnissen, as it is displayed from 7:35 Uhr (MESZ), under:

Kapsch TrafficCom is a well-known anerkannter recommendation of insurers for sustainable mobility, with projects in more than 50 states. Innovative solutions in the application ranges toll, toll service management, traffic management and demand management can be one of the best things there is.

With One-Stop-Shop solutions for designing the customer’s best solutions, from components to implementation design and systems involvement.

Kapsch TrafficCom, with Hauptsitz in Wien, paints über Tochtergesellschaften and Niederlassungen in more than 25 Ländern and is included in the Segment Prime Market of the Wiener Börse (Symbol: KTCG). In Geschäftsjahr 2023/24 erwirtschafteten beef 4,000 Mitarbeiter*innen einen Umsatz von beef EUR 539 Me.

Press contacts:

Carolin Treichl
Executive Vice President
Marketing & Communication
Kapsch AG
At Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna, Austria
T +43 50 811 1710
[email protected]

Sandra Bijelic
Head of Corporate Communications
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
At Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna, Austria
T +43 50 811 1720
[email protected]
Investor contact:

Marcus Handl, Valerie Riegler
Investor Relations Team
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
At Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna, Austria
T +43 50 811 1122
[email protected]

For more information: Follow us on LinkedIn

21.08.2024 CET/CEST Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht, übermittelt durch EQS Group AG.