
Schweinepest und Blauzungenkrankheit kosten Versicherer Millionen: Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Frankfurt & Hesse

Schweinepest und Blauzungenkrankheit kosten Versicherer Millionen: Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Frankfurt & Hesse

Wiesbaden. Roads from Ausbruchs von Tierseuchen unter Anderem in Hesse und Rheinland-Pfalz erwarten Versicherer Millionenschäden. Alone from the blazing disease, which happened to Rinder and Ziegen among others, went to a new report, the R+V in Wiesbaden shared with.

It’s time to get more information about the African Schweinepest (ASP). “In Hesse it is a very different matter for a special kind of landwirte. If you have one of the tires, the Court’s file can be opened”, which was composed by the R+V agricultural expert Carsten Reimer.

Before the main switch in the Sperrbezirk the Erlös for slaughter animals against zero and the farmer must have additional costs for blood testing and transport delays. These Einbussen were not blown up by the state. Engraving of the following products is an ASP extension to the Ackerbau, which is then strictly carried out.

In one of the claims for damages in 2007/2008, the R+V filed a claim for damages amounting to 14 million euros. In the event of a current seizure, a sum in a comparable large-scale standard was imposed, the deceased rider. If the swine fever is at the height of the damage, the operation of the device can cause a fall.

“Protect the African swine plague with a strong rising number and damage reports, while more infested wild swine were found,” says Isabell Cross of the Allianz Agrar with. If all goes well, the ASP will have become a topic a year later. If the Blauzenkrankheit in the Rinderbetrieben is active in the Vormarsch. (dpa.)