
Psychology: Your Favorite Series is one of the best personal prizes

Psychology: Your Favorite Series is one of the best personal prizes

That’s the story of the next favorite series

It is a beautiful Lieblings series with: Frau schaut mir ihrer Katze Fernsehen.

© Ellyy ​​​​/ Shutterstock

The character of our series can be one of the best friends. There were some TV favorites that were appreciated, here.

Equally with Netflix, Amazon Prime and Co. Unsere Lieblingsserie bingen or der Lieber Klassisch Fernsehen – TV-Sendungen kan een dabei helfen, vom stressfuligen Alltag abzuschalten, they can beibringen an inspiring and a manchmale sogar etwas. And it was so bad that the shalbing was so bad that I liebsten schauen. The history of Netflix is ​​so enthusiastic about a unique character.

Was deine Lieblings-TV-Serie über deine Persönlichkeit verraten

Tension Charged: “Breaking Bad”

This sparrow is so exciting and thrilling when it comes to plot twists. Thriller with “Breaking Bad”, “House of Cards” or “Peaky Blinders” is one of the best things. If you activate the hypes of the Korean hit series “Squid Game”, you can win a few things – main things, you can be so focused on a complex handling. It seems that it is more brutal. You are interesting for politics and very analytical. Darüber has an extrovert and abenteuerlustige page.

Reality: “Love Island”

The biggest reality shows with “Love Island”? Think of ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’, ‘Der Bachelor’ or ‘Germany’s Next Topmodel’ in the fall. You can find a drama – for this purer Eskapismus. Reality TV fans are usually welcome and friendly. There are parties and affairs in the Society. Summary: A study has shown that Trash TV connoisseur is intelligent. If you do this anyway for the Guilty Pleasure shame, you will suffer from this – because the person is now listening or not.

You go, girl: “Sex and the City”

There were TV shows that had a great complexity of female friendships – including in an exciting (professional) environment. Your favorite songs are “Sex and the City”, “Girls”, “The Bold Type”, and “Orange Is the New Black”. You can see it very well, and a career is one of the first couples. Then your best friends come together – without them you go for nothing. Fans of the typical Female Empowerment series are empathetic and interested in their feelings – but if they can’t reach their own power, they won’t.

Personal test: Was the Lieblings-Snack über deinen Charakter verrät

Fantastic: “Game of Thrones”

Do you like to use fantasy or science fiction? “Game of Thrones” has a number of adaptations, including “True Blood”, “Stranger Things” and “The Walking Dead”. You will probably end up in the world. You have creativity and haste – of course! – a blue imagination. If you are in the fantasy series, you can get the best out of yourself and never end up in the middle point again. In your own four walls you feel like you are on a wonderful – wonderful journey, you love a TV screen.

All Inclusive: “Gilmore Girls”

If you see the feel-good series of “Gilmore Girls”, “Modern Family”, “Chesapeake Shores” or “New Girl” flying in the air, it is so that you Fernsehen vermutlich for all Entspannung of the Dramen deines Alltags is. If you see a good world, in the big problem of a small kitchen, you can furnish the restaurants and the supermarkets. Most romance, it is introverted and brutal that this is a great deal for the whole world.

Nerds below: “The Big Bang Theory”

Sheldon and Co. is a lie on TV heroes? Then you must be a smaller nerd yourself. Your favorite series with “The Big Bang Theory”, “Community”, “The IT Crowd” or “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” portrayed a number of other numbers. It is a good idea to do this, if you are in the right society that you notice. You like to laugh – your humor is not understood by everyone. You are unconventional and extremely intelligent.

Crime fan: “Real detective”

Are you more concerned with criticisms of “True Detective”, “How to Get Away with Murder”, “CSI”, “The Sinner” or “Criminal Minds”? Then it is wise to do nothing and do absolutely nothing. Do you enjoy seeing if it is interesting – or more? – for menschliche Abgründe. Most of the things you encounter are neurotic.
