
Rothneusiedl: Information on finding town halls

Rothneusiedl: Information on finding town halls

I am 10. District has become a new city. Whoever has made the choice has helped the Favoritnerinnen and Favoritners with the best choice – and this will not be the case on October 17th.

WIEN/FAVORITEN. In Rothneusiedl there is a new town hall on 124 Hektars. Because it is so that those things that are done by the favorites and favorites, the new Grätzl with the Grün and Klimaschutz will be directed.

In total, around 21,000 people should live here. If the housing is no longer suitable, a larger part of the green energy is made possible. In 2025, the new Viertel in Süden Favoritens will begin.

The “Essbare Stadt”

If you are in the Konzept, this is a Stadtlandwirtschaft. The heat, the agriculture and the living in a hut were soll. So go to the “Essbare Stadt”, in the man who brings the Bäumen-gratis on the market. Schneckenbauer Andreas Gugumuck, who played at the Haschahof, could look forward to the first Früchte, the man who can pflücken in Rothneusiedl.

In 2025, the Entwicklung is one of the most important construction drawings for. This image of the Foundation for the Flächenwidmungs- and Bebauungsplan. Mitgeplant would have a Zufahrt zum nieuwe Grätzl during the U1.

Schneckenbauer Andreas Gugumuck in front of the Zukunftshof. The favorite information about the bisherigen activities for the new city and its installation. | Photo: Karl Pufler/MeinBezirk

If you use a terminology, you can consult the favorites and favorites about the Rothneusiedls information:

  • Donnerstag, August 22, 2024, 3 to 7 p.m
  • Mittwoch, September 18, 3 to 7 p.m
  • Donnerstag, October 17, 3 to 7 p.m

Inquire about the Zukunftshof in Rosiwalgasse 41–43. The introduction of this insurance is free of charge. Before you are an expert and an expert, the fragments of your work and research are assessed, which is even more in the following week. Selbstverständlich werden auch Anregungen aufgenommen.

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