
Petition for fried dishes in Gaza

Petition for fried dishes in Gaza

Today seven organizations have started a petition with the title “For a meal peace in Gaza. Stop weapon exports & support blockade!” With the petition for the name of NGOs that cooperate with the local initiative of the Federal Government among other things, the government wants to export more to Israel if it is best, that will be done. The Federal Government can be criticized, while the documents on the rights of the population go further than Weapons and Israel are dearer to them. The petition is a civil society protest against this background. There are eight performances and the Federal Government, the political reaction to the War in Gaza is grundsätzlich on the whole issue.

The petition will be opened on the openPetition platform and can be linked and removed:!pxyvh

“Statt Waffen is sweet and damn many of the problems that the Bundesregierung brings with it, one of the situations that arise. It is possible that the Israeli government has started with everyone, while in Gaza a Waffenstillstand is on the station. The war in West Jordan must be stopped and the illegal robbery is carried out”, says Gerold König, Bundesvorsitzender von pax christi.

Tsafrir Cohen, Managing Director of the Frankfurt Medical and Human Rights Organization, states categorically: “The Federal Government is anxious to prevent Israeli war crimes from being negotiated in The Hague and criminally prosecuted. I know that it is not the case that there is a good quality of cases, but that the international community is oriented towards a culture of impunity.”

Serap Altinisik, Chair of the Standing Committee of Oxfam Deutschland eV: “The people in Gaza have been shocked by bombardments and blockades. More than half a million leads to a catastrophic shortage of food. Per person and day we use as liter water for necessities and hygiene – less than a drop in the minimum requirements. Humanitarian Aid can be guided by the Leid, while politics does not matter. The Federal Government is no longer operational, but the Israeli Regie has initiated the Beschneidung der Wasserversorgung as Mittel der Kriegsführung einsetzt.”

Dr. med. Angelika Claußen, Head of the Public Health Organization IPPNW, says: “The human rights of life and health in Gaza are still being neglected. 40,000 people are directly attacked by the Israeli forces with Leben. The Zahl der Toten is one of the most life-threatening things, while people are missing out on a lot of international public health care, which is starting to grow due to the healthy infrastructure, hunger, the washer mangle and the inadequate sanitary facilities. The well-being of people must ensure that the Federal Government has the highest priority!”

The petition was initiated by:

CARE Germany eV
IPPNW Germany
medical international
NRC Flüchtlingshilfe Deutschland
Oxfam Germany eV
pax christi, Deutsche Sektion eV
World Friends Service eV

They can be found in more organized organizations.