
Norddeutschlands Baseball-Nachwuchs trains in Schwerin

Norddeutschlands Baseball-Nachwuchs trains in Schwerin

Loud sounds this evening on the Ostorfer Baseball Field: “Batter Number Five!” Coach Frank Fulton spoke to the next young Schlagmann. When the ball lands in the air, the catapulting with the Schläger meter is lowered and released.

These years take place at the summer camp of Schwerin Diamonds ab. Der Verein veranstaltet das Ferienlager für Kinder en Jugendliche bereits zum nuunten Mal. From Anfang with the question: Coach Frank Fulton, who came extra from the state power, is furious.

Sechs Stunden tag with Coach Fulton

“Wir haben sechs Stunden pro Tag Training”, explains Martin Busch, organizer of the camps. “Coach Fulton brings a knowledge of knowledge that does not fail.” Fulton’s Talent: “Den Kindern Spaß am Sport Mitgeben.”

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These come in the summer of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In others, Jahren auch schonmal in ganz Deutschland.

“Formula days we are in different training scenarios,” says Busch. This is a defensive defense, attack and big warm-up phases. Night days are then played. If you find it difficult, you can coach efficiently, very much like Coach Fulton. “You must not always be big and grim, especially bad – and use your talent.”

American Fulton started Camp 2014

Fulton, ex-coach of the German Baseball National Club, who founded the first camp 2014, was the Schweriner Verein that did this. “Mich hat der positive Gemeinschafts-Geist beeindruckt”, erklärt is in English.

“My life in the US has to take a long time to come out of the machine. If I have a positive attitude, if I play baseball, it’s not like I want to know.”

Frank Fulton coaches the children's and youth season during the summer camp.

Frank Fulton coaches the children’s and youth season during the summer camp. (Photo: Konstantin Pavel)

If the diamonds are so that they are often used, there are things like: “You can’t do anything, only uniforms and equipment.” Was fehlte, was a more suitable place. It became bare in 2015 on the baseball field on the Krösnitz. Fulton remained a regular in Schwerin and coaches at other summer camps.

Camp comes near Teilnehmern gut an

Strains are Emma and Madeleine. De 15-Jährigen since zum drRITten Mal dabei. Emma is from Schwerin and Madeleine plays for the Lütjensee Lakers. Was ihnen am camp fallen? “Man finds a friend and hat Spaß,” Emma reports. “It’s not serious.”

Emma (l.) and Madeleine are working with Mal dabei together.

Emma (l.) and Madeleine are working with Mal dabei together. (Photo: Konstantin Pavel)

Madeleine explains: “I love baseball. Six hours of training a day with a renowned trainer is great. When I look here, the atmosphere is great!”

Was the coach a young gym teacher?

The atmosphere is bursting from the Coach. “The girls and the boys have received a small answer – for the game, for another and for themselves. You can treat your treatment with brothers and schoolboys. I am also impressed by your strength. You can look at a situation and improvise.”

Summer camp is not a good time for Baseball

Then training took place: “Nicht nur Baseball steht im Vordergrund”, Busch explains. The diamonds have become a major program for the story in the Alter from 8 to 16 years old. Bowling, Kinoabend, Barbecue and of course Bathing are suitable for holidays in the Ferienlager. “That’s always good.” These 30 places are completely free, messages from Busch, from the Kassenwart des Vereins are. Sieben der Teilnehmer comes from Schwerin.

30 Teilnehmer since beim Camp dabei. Die Platze wurden restlos ausgebucht.

30 Teilnehmer since beim Camp dabei. Die Platze wurden restlos ausgebucht. (Photo: Konstantin Pavel)

230 euros costs the part per person, the club would not make any profit. “But still a little minus. If you have never earned money, you can use the children’s pool and the whole world.” Denn: From the age of 16 you can play the food processor with the washing machine.