
Island plans climate neutrality until 2040 – Herausforderungen discutiert

Island plans climate neutrality until 2040 – Herausforderungen discutiert

Langeoog plans increasing the mass intake for climate neutrality until 2040. The new climate protection manager Thomas Hönscheid played a central role in the changeover. A meeting with experts experiences the new developments.

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Long-Eye – I am Hotel Flörke fand auf Einladung der Insel-Grünen a Treffen mit Dr. Hans-Jochen Luhmann statt. There is a senior expert at a renowned Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Vorsitzender of the Beirats der Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler and Zugleich Lehrbeauftragter für Klimapolitik in more deutschen Hochschulen. In the field of climate policy and community heat planning after the Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG), the heat planning law (WPG) was the management themes of formittags.

“Dr. Hans-Jochen Luhmann has been associated for more than four years in the long term and a single Green Meeting has thankfully been held in the past few years with his visit,” said Speaker Bärbel Kraus. In the war of June 2022 in the fight against the devastating Gruppe “Bündnis 90/Die Grünen-Recktenwald” a stimulation of the fight against climate change and climate protection and for the conversion to the attention for all possible measures taken and installation of a/s Climate Protection Managers/in be decided.

If you have placed the new climate protection manager Thomas Hönscheid among the other members of the climate protection, Langeoog is on the way of the climate-neutral island to bring a ​​​beschäftigt in care with the municipal heat planning.

Warmth planning until 2028 stehen

Zum Hintergrund: Nach dem Wärmeplanungsgesetz, das zum 1. January 2024 in Kraft gereten ist, müssen Kommunen, de kleine Ober-oder Mittelzentren since, bis spatestens June 2028 een Wärmeplanung erarbeiten, in der een konkretes Zielszenario for the climate-neutral Deckung des Wä rmebed arfs im Jahr 2040 was embraced. This heat planning must be a plan for the years 2030, 2035 and 2040 in a “supervisible heat supply organization”, so that there is peace in the sector’s regulation for the “decentralized heat supply”.

Please do not hesitate to provide warm water from the gas network. It is the Grundlage that is the basis of our advice at the Kommunalen Wärmeplanung zugericht hat. Gemäß der letzten Novellierung des GEG vom 1. January 2024 is Ziel, dass späketenssens 2045 de last fossil Heizung außer Betrieb geht and then all warm climate-neutral since, that heißt, es more than 100 Prozent erneuerbare Energie-eingeleitet became.

Starting up is difficult for her

Dr. Luhmann presented the speziell of the insert. The anwissen were grateful, it is a matter of fachwissen and once for an anschliegende discussion, while there could still be made very bad fragments. Nur Bärbel Kraus thanked his abschließend at Dr. Luhmann for his time, who in his Urlaub zur Verfügung stellte, auch alle weiteren Anwesenden sprachen ihm for his Engagement in his gratitude aus.

If there is war, an upward climate neutrality direction has emerged on Langeoog, which the herausforderungen after the GEG and the WPG jede/n Hausbesitzer/in – egal ob in Privathand or Hand der Kommune/Eigenbetriebe – tangieren.