
Was Sie zur Schlossnacht des Lions Clubs Radeberg müssen erasing

Was Sie zur Schlossnacht des Lions Clubs Radeberg müssen erasing

Was Sie zur Schlossnacht des Radeberger Lions Clubs müssen erasing

At the end of August Wieder found the Radeberger Schlossnacht statt. Everything was done and the Lions Club attended the final editions.

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Here you will find the Schlossnacht statt in the idyllic Ambiente am Samstag, August 31.

Here you will find the Schlossnacht statt in the idyllic Ambiente am Samstag, August 31.
© Christian Juppe

Radeberg. Wer für das letzte August-Wochenende nor eensuch Abendbeschäftigung, kann nun unhören zu suchen: Since 1997 findet de Radeberger Schlossnacht jedes Jahr statt. Now it is absolutely necessary to accept the corona clause format. Dieses Jahr ist es am Samstag, August 31, wieder anyway.

“Es gibt Bier, Wein, Steak, Bratwurst, Grillkäse und Musik”, says Thomas Tiebel, Einzelhändler in Radeberg and Mitglied in Lions Club. “Everything has been sold for the gut.”

The end is at 6 p.m., music is played starting at 7 p.m. “We have lived a lifetime with the Gampler Rock Band,” said Tiebel. This Oldies and Party band comes from the Erzgebirge in Radeberg. Der Eintritt costs 5 euros in advance, and 6 euros in the Abendkasse. You can buy the card at the Radeberger Likörfabrik, Hauptstraße 44, at Frequenz Elektro, An der Ziegelei 19 and Schloss Klippenstein.

Lions Club has developed a social project

“The interesting projects will produce a new project, which will last a long time,” says Thomas Tiebel. “For all in the children’s and youth work.” There are 20 members of the Lions Clubs present at the Radeberger Brauerei, Heinrichsthaler and Edeka Scheller at the Veranstaltung.

“A solte es but a bisschen rainen, that’s not a good thing,” said Tiebel. “Wir haben große Schirme.” (SZ/vb)