
Culture at Zelt starts – Highlights during the Jubiläumsjahr

Culture at Zelt starts – Highlights during the Jubiläumsjahr

The festival “Kultur in Zelt” started on that same Donnerstag. A Monat long program is then a program from the Bürgerpark, in the Zelt-aufgebaut ist. It is a great art.

Seit 25 Jahren has de Veranstaltung relations: On the Homepage of the Vereins is reading it, which is a disadvantage as Private Initiative gründete. Im ersten Jahr – so der Verein – kamen bound 10,000 Zuschauer zu den gebotenen Veranstaltungen. This Zahl nahm in Laufe der Jahre zu. So message from the Society, that is in Year 2016 42,000 Besucher bei 20 ausverkauften Veranstaltungen in the Zelte im Bürgerpark kamen.

The preparations in the park can take a while. On Thursday the festival started: singer Stefanie Heinzmann started the party with the music of the „Takeover Ensemble“. At the end of August it is a different Bodo Wartke with the Gruppe “Schönen Guten A-Band” at Gast in Braunschweig. A few days later Gregor Meyle and Band tritt in the Löwenstadt op.

We ended up at the “Quatsch Comedy Club” in the Bürgerpark. On September 22nd there was a month full of performances: until Brönner and Dieter Ilg went to Gast Sein in Braunschweig.

For years the Newcomer Stage has been annoying the program. If you are in the beer garden, report to the Veranstalter, to another acquaintance, that the rain canopy will last. Other specific features are not.