
bvse – Verbundprojekt zum Phosphat-Recycling started at MEET Batterieforschungszentrum

bvse – Verbundprojekt zum Phosphat-Recycling started at MEET Batterieforschungszentrum

Interdisciplinary research team will extract phosphate for lithium-ion batteries

Phosphate from water or the agricultural residues extracted and used in lithium-ion batteries is a new project “SuSyPhos” at the MEET battery center of the University of Münster. The Abkürzung SuSyPhos-steht for “Sustainable synthesis and recycling of phosphorus-containing materials in lithium-ion batteries”. Together with the FH Münster, the Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB, the Institute for Business Economics Management of the Universität Münster and the BeTeBe GmbH for Landwirtschaftsbedarf, the Münstersche Forschungsinstituut is investigating in the coming years with the Wertschöpfungskreislauf s Rohstoffs.

The project is ready for the recycling of phosphates and their processing in its Einsatz in Batterien. A financing of 2.5 million euros has been received by the Innovationswettbewerb „GreenEconomy.IN.NRW“. The Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen are responsible for the European Funds for the regional development of the Fördermittel in the region.

Phosphate is mined and gilded as critical raw material, the European Union has no resources of its own for phosphate cap. In the battery power supply, the form of lithium-ion phosphate is used as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. The advantages of these batteries: They are long and welds are quickly charged. The batteries come in handy in electric cars when they go to Einsatz in stationary power. Make sure that the continuous exposure to phosphate is compensated. “With the recovery of phosphate from water and agricultural residues, the supply for battery research and production will be secured and the dependency of imports will be reduced at the same time,” said Dr. Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Stellvertretender Bereichsleiter des Forschungsbereichs „Analytik und Umwelt“ am MEET Batterieforschungszentrum. “Gleichzeitig can reduce the effect of the high phosphate intensity in the world here.” Due to the long-term use of the phosphates in lithium-ion batteries and the distortions created in the environment, the project can also be applied in the double overview of environmental protection measures.

It is a matter of Wertschöpfungskreislauf in Fokus

Since the phosphate storage and use of lithium ion batteries are used by the BeTeBe GmbH and the FH Münster, the materials are removed from the material and the phosphates are penetrated. I am prepared to measure the battery research center for the material and synthesis of active materials for lithium-ion batteries. The article was delivered with the Kohlenstoff-beschichtet, an electronic Leitfähigkeit zu erhöhen. The only writing work of material synthesis was carried out by extensive analytical analysis. Mittels verschiedener Methoden charterer von MEET Team gemeinsam mit de FH Münster mit dem Material und der Beschreibung de Zusammensetzung, Reinheit, Partikelengröße, Kristallstruktur und de Beschaffenheit der Kohlenstoffbeschichtung.

With the electrochemical properties of the lithium oxide phosphates used, the steam substance is used as an electrical material, whereby the batteries are examined and modified during use. The project is supported by a credit and economics project of Fraunhofer FFB and the Institute for Business Management of the University of Münster.
