
Vorteile van Kunststoff-Federn | K-Zeitung

Vorteile van Kunststoff-Federn | K-Zeitung

Federn von Danto in verschiedenen Ausführungen: Hinterachsfeder for the Daimler A-Class, the a Miniblockfeder ersetzt (left), Hinterachsfeder for the Daimler Vision EQX, the Leichtbau Rekordfahrzeug (mitte) and an Antriebsfeder for Hochleistungsnagelgeräte (right).

Author: Anna Schwarz, Danto

Ersten Federn hated Danto for the Einsatz in the Automotive Industry and won the 2022 Grand Innovation Award of the Society of Plastic Engineers. Kein Wunder: Bis 80% Weight Saving It is a fact that your steel fibers do come from the FKV (faserverstärkten Kunststoffen) from Australia. It is positive in the energy efficiency of systems. Au die Vapor Function Properties von FKV is a hornet’s nest like the other active ingredient. Dies führt zu niger Vibrationen und Geräusche.

The build-up of the mass and the specific material properties of FKV lie about the existing eigenmodes at the respective higher frequencies. This means that the fibers stabilizer and we can no longer respond to an unanswered comment Sound waves when the bets are no longer binding.

FKV-Federn besitzen ausgezeichnete Non-running properties. The fall of a local local representative of the active substance was stable and a slight residual dragfähigkeit, the safety was increased. The FKV non-magnetic and electrically conductive If you want to use this information, you can expand it further. Weiterhind FKV-Werkstoffe korrosionsfrei.

If the innovative design of the FKV-Feder has become the classic Blattfeder, the new possibilities of Arten Feder will be found. Both are own functionalities, which the einsatzspektrum of the Feder deutlich erweitert wird.

More freedom in design brings Federn into new life

Federal of the Company Danto decouples his original Blattfedern another by his unwilling gestaltungsräume and the surprising results of the variability of the construction. If you want to know if you can solve a technical problem, this is a technically harmless war.

Danto-Federn has made a flexible transition to a disinterested bauliche experience. Once integrated, the recurrent Blattoder- or Stahlschrauben- and -spiralfedern maintenance of Platz- or Formwork requirements is not possible. Through die net shape-Fertigung der Federn hat derren Gestaltung kaum Auswirkung on the Fertigungsaufwand – also with complex Designs. Net shape Oder almost net shape bedeutet, dass das Bauteil auch ohne Nachbearbeitung (annähernd) of the desired finals Geometry entspricht.

The power, the direction of the Wirkungskraft of the Feder tender, which was the Vorteile in the Feinabstimmung of Systems, was inter alia in the anspruchsvollen technical Anwendungen nützlich ist.

Knickstab-Feder: unparalleled expertise and flexible design

While the geometric pattern is not linear, the souled stability variations will be carried out, while a characteristic reduction possibility, a switching effect: After a very steep initial reduction, the power path characteristic line in defining the limiting force decreases, and then decreases very much. A single characteristic is that the energy supply and the overload absorption play a major role, which also applies to bearings with extremely new natural frequencies at higher supporting force.

The Knickstab-Feder has developed its special features and its extreme space savings through flexible designs. These peculiarities are probably a problem and there are many advantages in the business services, and also in the nail equipment. Here the nonsense of the Knickstab-Feder’s knowledge line is an award ceremony of the energy energy over the gesamten Arbeitsbereich. You can find a constant description of the minimalist Haltekraft. Through the here lasting reduction of the costs and the fundamental loads of all system components, the device is supported by the simple German operation, lighter and nutzerfreundlicher.

The property of the Knickstab-Feder, a constant description at minimum stopping power of gewährleisten, the power that nail equipment has, will lose its ideals for some technical redevelopments, which can be used in best hands as in new application fields.

What are FKV-Federn’s own interests?

Neben de Einsätzen in der Automobilindustrie, wo Danto-Federn bereits Serienreife erlangt, see de Federn in fortgeschRITen Tests bei Schienenfahrzeugen veldverprechende Ergebnisse. Feder von Danto tries to reduce the cost of a loan, take out a loan and save costs.

In addition to the salt and moisture content, which are in the maritime applications, the corrosion resistance and unadherence of magnetic inflows of FKV-Federn are advantageous. Also in medical technology, with MRT equipment, no magnetic materials are essential. If the FKV-Federn has a quick and pure interruption, the necessary switching power occupation compensates and suffices as an electrical insulator.

In nail devices the Knickstab-Feder ensures a constant and strong support of the nails at the German reduced Rückstoß. The combination with safe building effects by maximum maximum tension build-up for ergonomic devices.

At Rüttlern the Feder protects against misuse charges through the special Feder detection line, the effectiveness and efficiency of the devices was high. In Aufwicklern the Knickstab Feder can offer an ideal solution for the safe and economical connection of locks and cables with higher lifespan due to its compact design and its powerful halt force.

The Knickstab Feder can serve as an energy source or a bullet, compensating for energy generated and released, was useless in many technical systems.

The FKV-Feder represents a future-proof technology, which during its lifespan and new possibilities offers new possibilities for various technical achievements eroffnet. Coupled with Danto’s know-how, paintable construction materials flexible for nuts and the power support, which offers an ideal solution for demanding applications. (ska)