
Lemgo. Mann von Jugendlichen angegriffen.

Lemgo. Mann von Jugendlichen angegriffen.

Lips (ots) –
Given 0.20 hours on Sunday (18.08.2024) we were in a manner on the short journey from unbeknownst to you. The 57-year war of the Parkplatz on the Fußweg in Direction Schützenplatz on the other side, if I were also young. This went to Barntruper without permission. One of the flavors of the Mann with a beer glass is the head of the bowl. If the 57-year-old could abjure the battle, it would still be slightly lost. Die Jugendlichen flüchteten in Richtung Stadt. They were followed by the description: ca. 16 – 18 Jahre alt, ca. 1.75 m gross, dunkle Haare. The Kriminalkommissariat 5 bittet by telephone on 05231 6090 for Zeugenhinweise zur Körperverletzung.

Press contact:

Lippe Police
Nina Ehm
Phone: 05231 / 609 – 5050
Fax: 05231 / 609-5095
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Polizei Lippe, übermittelt durch news current
