
Mnich hört als künstlerischer Leiter auf

Mnich hört als künstlerischer Leiter auf

On September 7 and 8, the seasons of “Klassik in Schloss” in Etelsen dies with the extensive concert package, then Johannes Mnich is addressed as art director. A year later, the organizer and moderator of the presentation of the credible concert series and still acquired a highly regarded music player in the Flecken-lang in the ditches.

“I have lived a long time in my studies and the students and artists in the Schloss Etelsen and in the public concert hall as well as musical and public performances”, Mnich summarizes and summarizes: “From the soloist to the ensemble, from the audience as a skier as well as international The group has developed a number of heraldry arts and created music with four years of music – from fascinating discoveries to the Gattungshöhepunkten.”

Professionally strongly wedged

Mnich had previously moderated a castle concert in 2012 after the death of Detlef Wülbers. Following the years after that is then a function of Job as leader of Wülbers – and accomplished in the following years more than a year ago. It is war with everything that is other than a Selbstverständlichkeit. If the Lebensmittelpunkt is concerned with the long term of the time direction south, it shifts Mnich. A few years is the Intendant of the Tauber-Philharmonie in Weikersheim (Baden-Württemberg). The long journeys in the homeland for the concert weeks are however always gratifying. The castle concert is one of the most important options for a “heart project”.

Jeder Besuch in Etelsen, jedes Konzertwochenende has die Begeisterung des Publikums, so Mnich. “De Freude nach de Aufttocht, de personal conversations und de trauen in mûr creative wor k, verbunden met der beispielhaften Unterstützung door de Landkreis und jewelery van Schlosspächterinnen die in Besonderen door Erika Ziemann” are de Konzerte voor de 39-Jährigen nach eigener Schilderung So ganz nationals Erlebnissen geht de Zeit als künstlerischer Leiter nun zu Ende. zu“, begründet Mnich.

Lob of Landrat

“There are great differences between the people of the world, their ambitions – with a look at their family life – with a strong focus on living life,” says Peter Bohlmann, blessing leading and winning art, their in-depth music and knowledge transfer through the contacts with art teachers and art teachers and their enthusiasm for new covers in a wide range of matters and an individual character of the country district were in the kommenden Wochen and Monaten Gespräche with more nachfolgern führen and dabei auch auf the expertise of separating artistic Leiters zurückgreifen.

It’s one of the few things worth keeping this Saison going. Angekündigt with “opulente Barockmusik” by Max Volbers (Blockflöte) and Alexander von Heißen (Cembalo). Other music by Handel, Corelli, Alberti and Pepusch will be heard under the title “Foreign Masters”. Die Auftritte finden am Sonnabend, 7. September, from 20 Uhr anyway at Sonntag, 8. September, from 11 and 19 Uhr statt. My work continues through the program. You can send an email to [email protected] and contact us by telephone on 0 42 31 / 8 49 09.

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