
Gründer bleiben Fans der Grünen

Gründer bleiben Fans der Grünen

In the entire political community, the major parties now number no more than 30 Prozent. Unter Gründern sees the image that is most suitable for the two Koalitionspartner Deutschlands besser aus. 41.3 Prozent von Ihnen würden aktuell de Grünen wählen, geht aus des Umfrage des Deutschen Start-up-Verbands under 1800 Gründern and Geschäftsführern of Start-ups reform. A second set follows the FDP with 21.4 Prozent, and then the CDU/CSU with 15.8 Prozent. Gegenüber der Umfrage voor eeninem Year hasen Green and FDP jeweils rund 5 Prozentpunkte verd, de Union konnte 4 Prozentpunkte aufholen. The greater popularity can influence some of the tension for 1.2 to 6.7 percent of the time. The damage to the SPD is particularly bitter: They are only selected at 5.5 percent of the founders. There are more people which in the Wählergruppe now include the AfD (3 percent), the Left (2.2 percent) and the Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht (1.4 percent).

The experience is insofern not overly rasschend, since the Greens traditionally have an anchor in large-scale academic environments. Etwa jedes fünfte Start-up hat seinen Sitz in Berlin, weitere Gründerhochburgen since Munich, Hamburg und de Städte in Nordrhein-Westfalen. I am Start-up-Monitor 2022 and the Greens have an absolute value of 50.8 Prozent. Schlecht likes the party in the Gründerszene nur in Year 2018. Damals are completely 22.4 Prozent, the FDP was ahead with 37.6 Prozent. In the Europawahl, June starts the AfD for years with the impulses of young Wählern. The Greens lost Wähler and the pro-European Klimaschutzpartei Volt, among others.

SPD says it has been resolved

The Start-up Commissioner at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Anna Christmann (Green), thanked her enthusiasm for the “great trust”. That is “Ansporn, weiter das Best für Start-ups rauszuholen.” Verena Hubertz, in the SPD parliamentary party’s top for economic affairs and self-invented founder of the Koch-App Kitchen Stories, was delighted. The representation of business investments and the reform of business development plans has produced the Ampel coalition, which includes themes for start-ups in Angriff, such as this one. “Social democracy is promoted by obtaining opportunities and chances and is a pure start-up DNA. I am sure that there are still more founders to keep us in the boat.”

The German Industry and Trade Chamber (DIHK) has joined the Gründergeist in Germany. If you send a message about a message, interest in part of the German company has fallen to the tenth Stand since 2010. Gestiegene Betriebkosten anyway the Dickicht bürokratischer Regelungen “ersticken die Lust am Unternehmertum”, stated DIHK President Peter Adrian. The beef 1000 vom Verband has Gründer gaben dem Standort im Schnitt die Schulnote 3.6.

Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) was involved in a civil dialogue in his ministerium and received applause, while his verbally active and potential coalition partner Herzog. “If you become a Bundeskanzler, Christian Lindner will not be a Finance Minister,” it said. You criticize Habeck for the Prime Minister’s support for the Energiewende. “Inhaltlich-fachlich kann ich Markus Söder not more serious.” The end of the Veranstaltung was accompanied by self-criticism. In Germany there is a “policy of the worst laune” and “beiße sich in den Hintern”, Part davon zu sein. The Ampel coalition is not yet a “letzte Chance”.