
Water sports, nature and historical history Wartenuer auf dich

Water sports, nature and historical history Wartenuer auf dich

Dein Ausflugsziel Altmühlsee: Entdecke Freizeitaktivitäten, Naturerlebnisse and kulturelle Highlights of the artistic Stausee in Middle Franconia.

  • The Altmühlsee in Middle Franconia as a source of inspiration for the entire family
    • Wassersport and Schiffsrundfahrten
    • Playground
    • Unlocking the bird island

The idyllic Altmühlsee breitet sich etwa 44 kilometers south-west of Nürnberg in the charming Middle French District of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen aus. It is likely that Ausflugsziel goes to the Franconian Seenland – in common with more beeindruckenden Seen, the Landschaft in this region is promoted and zum Erkunden laden.

Freizeitparadies Altmühlsee: Wassersport, Natur and Familienabenteuer

If Altmühlsee acts, there is nothing wrong with a natural white water. Vielmehr wurde der etwa four Kilometers long See as artistic Stausee angelegt – genauer gesagt als Wasserreservoir in der Nähe von Gunzenhausen. There is a specific washing system with the Flusswasser in the Regnitz-Main-Gebiet dependent.

It is a fact that the Altmühlsee probably believed Nearby area and loved Bird protection areaA knitter Ring road of just over 12 kilometers Hiker and cyclist across the sea.

They both leave, soda Spaziergänger and Radler sich nicht gegenseitig stören. There are cafes, restaurants and plenty of sports and leisure opportunities around the area.

Seezentren am Altmühlsee: Enjoy the water

Die Sea centres at the Altmühlsee In the middle-fringe country district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen, everything was welcome: Beaches and water sports, bicycle rental, gastronomy, play and sports activities for playground mini golf or beach volleyball. Neben Baden, Segel or Surfen is the trend sport Stand-up Paddling (SUP) very fought.

You can enjoy the opportunity to have a variety of options available on your board. Go to the nature conservation areas and the harbors that you can use.

Enjoy your sport, enjoy your time with water: one day Passenger ship connects in the summer, the free time and the Ufern des Sees. In the past time a sold-out travel plan gilded. A board of barrier-free departure boats can offer you a Snacks from the Bistro or the large kitchen. A round trip menu for Erwachsene 10 Euro, for children 4 Euro. Kinder bis 5 Jahre sind free.

Zeitreise on the Abenteuerspielplatz

I am Sea center GunzenhausenBunch This is an exciting Erlebnisspielplatz. At Tripadvisor it is ranked No. 2 of 16 Actions in Gunzenhausen listed. Under the motto “Römer und Alemannen” you start here in a certain time. Vom Matschen in der “Usgrabungsstätte” über Spiel- und Fitnessgeräte bis zu Hängematten and Picnicplatzen ist für jede*n etwas geboten. Oh dear Kneipp path “Alemannic heart rate monitor” and a Boule-Bahn since Teil dieses Spielplatzes für all Generationen.

Amazon Buchtipp: ErlebnisWandern mit Kindern Fränkisches Seenland

Follow the picture “Seezentrum Wald – Erlebnisspielplatz”to stay with family time. A mandatory Parkplatz is located most 500 meters from the Spielplatz entfernt, a second, it was smaller, 100 meters entfernt. The Anlegestelle des Passagierschiffs is located 600 meters from the Spielplatz.

Go into the New World of Romantic Limes (UNESCO Cultural Heritage), according to the Namensgebung des Spielplatzes. Gunzenhausen directly from the Limes through time. There are many couples who are in love with the border wall of the Romans, who provide information on this information table today. Partly you will not find any real traces of the Romans. So on the four kilometre long circular path in Burgstallbos Günzenhausen. The Burgstallwald stops by car in about 10 minutes. Start hiking in the Trimm-dich-Pfad on the Krackerstraße and a further road surface Überreste von Wachtürmen and a Kleinkasteel.

Nature on the bird island

The area of ​​the lakes is the nature reserve “Bird-free bird-watching and landscape zone in the Altmühlsee” – kurz Bird Island embarrassing. In fact, we are not here now, without more small islands with fresh water, food and drinks. This area has become one of the most important refuge areas for the Zugvögel in Bavaria.

The Bird Island is the name of the Landesbund für Vogelschutz, inzwischen Brut- und Rastplatz “of all years of 210 different bird art”. Darunter since he fell seltene und bedrohte Wasser- und Watvögel. You can do a whole range of activities and activities here after a year. Relatively little of the deck is one of the larger birds, who Gray and silver pigs Oder Storch. If you are an Eisvogel or Seeadler, you must have happiness and patience. If you observe birds, it is possible for you to spend longer periods of time in your surroundings. I intend the best with the thought Delivery tower in the center of the island with a view of the water. Nimm focuses on autumn Fern glass or Spektiv If most Vögel goes one step further, then the next step is in the Flächen style. The LBV-Infohaus is busy with the activation of bird observations.

The Vogelinsel is located near Muhr am See. Access to the destination with the Zug or with the Freizeitbuslinie 689. Muhr am See lies on the B13 between Ansbach and Gunzenhausen. With your car parked in the morning Muhr Sea Centre and then 1.4 kilometers from Fuß to the Bird Island. At least at the Parkplatz directly am LBV Info House am Ende der Fichtenstraße. From here it is still 250 meters from the Holzsteg der Vogelinsel. The insel can be an einem 1.5 kilometer long circular road erforschen. Radfahren ist on the island without space. Zum Schutz der Natur verlasse den Weg nicht.

From Bibern and Störchen

No Vögel entered the nature conservation area. Auch a Vielfalt an Pflanzen and Insects, who Schmetterlinge, Käfer and Dragonflies, live here. Abends in der Dämmerung has du good Chancen, Beer to see.

In Muhr am See in der Schlossstrasse 2 ist die LBV Environmental Station Altmühl. Where can you find those? interactive Ausstellung “Lebensraum Altmühlsee – Faszination Vogelzug” experience. The Ausstellung can take place in the Regelwochentags from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the sunntags from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Samstag is closed. The genauen Öffnungszeiten find the most here.

Von der Umweltstation starts on the Storchenradweg. At this small bike tour (28 kilometres) you can continue your journey further Storchenhorst in addition. The LBV station has a regular flight to the bird island for children and adults.

Balance between leisure and nature protection

If there is a Tagesausflug or a small Urlaub, this is the best option in the Altmuhlsee. Wassersporters can enjoy here the costs of the family or the family with children. The often swashbuckling balance between leisure and nature conservation is that you can enjoy and so see that it occurs far too much and occurs a lot.

Amazon-Buchtipp: Altmühltal Reiseführer Michael Müller Verlag – Fränkisches Seenland

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