
Friends and Friends of Mola Adebisi: So we live in private

Friends and Friends of Mola Adebisi: So we live in private

Mola Adebisi started as a moderator at VIVA durch. Errors can occur such as Schauspieler, Zanger and Tänzer überzeugen. Abseits der Kameras is an absolute family man. But 2024 is its own family alleine, which is never active at the summer Dschungelcamp teil.

Eltern und Geschwister: Die Kindheit von Mola Adebisi

Mola Adebisi was born on February 15, 1973 in Uelzen and in Nigerian Wurzeln. Signal citizen Name lautet Adamola Oluwatosin Adebisi.

The Seine Eltern continued to grow right, there was war in the first two years. Adebisi wuchs dann gemeinsam mit seinen both Geschwistern bei der Mutter auf. The Lebte family in Solingen attended a Realschule there. In de signaler Freizeit beschäftigte ich schon immer gene mit Sport.

American Football, Breakdance and Hip-Hop are played. Schon im Alter von 15 jaar gründete is a Hip-Hop-Gruppe. There is such a talented war that now a year a part of the Dancefloor-Formation Bass Bumbers-war takes place.

Information for the Offerer Instagram about the Consent-Anbieter refuses

Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet: Was the Ehefrau von Mola Adebisi possible?

Mola Adebisi war is always a family man. Neben seinen Geschwistern und seiner Mutter hat mittlerweile auch Adelina Zilai a Platz in seinem Herzen. They both die a couple since 2020.

They are determining your research over time on the probe. The couple was in the reality TV format “Das Sommerhaus der Stars” to see. I think other people can solve their problem with the format.

Mola Adebisi and Adelina Zilai: They have been a couple since 2020 and are the first gemeinsamen Sohn.
Mola Adebisi and Adelina Zilai: Both of whom have been a couple since 2020 and are the first gemeinsamen Sohn.
© imago images/STAR-MEDIA
Mola Adebisi and Adelina Zilai: Both of whom have been a couple since 2020 and are the first gemeinsamen Sohn.

from image images/STAR-MEDIA


In August 2023, the pair shipping began and is final in February 2024. The high time in Las Vegas is a war in the TV format “Rent a Comedian” on ProSieben to see. Oliver Pocher war in Elvis costume part of the Trauung.

Greetings for the VIVA moderator: Mola Adebisi has a moment

Short for the high time mola adebisi and his wife on Instagram will use, it is one of the most valuable things there is. Mola says “Picture”: “It is a great experience and the great happiness, who can wish and have a great time.” It is important that you stick to the world affairs.

Who started it all for Mola Adebisi: Karriere-Star at VIVA

The moderator will find a job at Fernsehsender VIVA during the work. I started from 1993 to 2004 and began to hear my favorite music clips.

Mola Adebisi was at VIVA for seven years and listened to the old ones and has been the longest active moderator at the sender. In 2004 the Arbeitsplatz took place on the Rücken.

Viva moderator of the first hour: Mola Adebisi war from 1993 to 2004 in the senders' section.
Viva moderator of the first hour: Mola Adebisi war from 1993 to 2004 in the senders’ section.
© Roland Scheidemann/dpa
Viva moderator of the first hour: Mola Adebisi war from 1993 to 2004 in the senders’ section.

by Roland Scheidemann/dpa


Rap and hip hop lie Mola Adebisi in Blut

The moderator is not the only Leidenschaft von Mola Adebisi. Schon früh started with the Tanzen. In Heimat, Solingen, war is part of the Dancefloor Formation Bass Bumbers und etlichen Breakdance-Wetbewerben teil.

There are wars and your talent and your fun is great. The Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus dares to make a profit in the Stück “Westside Story” teilhaben.

Nebem dem Tanzen began the Moderator of the Leidenschaft, der Musik, nachzugehen. The alternative of 14 years is a first time in Rap. Später-war is the Gastrapper at the Gruppe “4 Reeves”.

The music starts in a long time. When VIVA says that it is now the nosest Hits, but it seems that we are more on the ball. Er selbst drei Songs heraus brought. With the dance single “Shake That Body” (1996) it has become a platzier in the charts.

Mola Adebisi as Schauspieler: The moderator is a multi-talent

If VIVA is concerned with working with Mola Adebisi on the Schauspiel zu. The title of Karriere is a role at Roles in films or series. So the war was from 1996 to 1997 part of the series “Marienhof”. The adventure of “Alarm for Cobra 11” has begun in the year 2024 with Jenny Elvers and Jimmy Blue Ochsenknecht and the “Passion” with.

Mola Adebisi goes to work as a Synchronsprecher. There are other people in the films “Ali G in da House” and in “Große Haie – Kleine Vissen” on the screen.

The former VIVA moderator has registered for Insolvenz

Before the chamber war Mola Adebisi Succession can be stopped. This is a hint from Kulissen. The moderator was therefore not successful at all. It is always the case that the company “Molali” comes to the market and carries out its repairs with that impure collection, but the connte has never stopped. Adebisi becomes insolvent for the company in the year 2007. Daraufhin concentration is itself on his career, the consequences of the entire Ganges war.

Summer Dschungelcamp on the other with Georgina Fleur, Thorsten Legat and Giulia Siegel

Summer Dschungelcamp: Who knows the 13 Promi Candidates?


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Giulia Siegel, Georgina Fleur and Elena Miras are on their way to summer camp in South Africa, Germany.

Winner in the summer Dschungelcamp: Sieger vorab enthüllt – das sagt RTL


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Schwerer Unfall: Shock moment for Mola Adebisi

Man loves me, it’s a question of talent and hobbies. It’s gilded but not for Mola Adebisi. The moderator is an expert in motorsports. 2002 was then a severe Unfall at the Nürburgring.

The Easter Monday Stürzte is with its motor wheel and fast 60 meters over the Fahrbahn. A rescue hub screw must be removed and brought to the Krankenhaus.

In an interview with “VIVA interakiv” after the Unfall erzählte is: “My straight Schulter is split, I have a Jochbein-Fraktur, ganz unten an der Wirbelsäule is a Stauchung. I have the geese Tag geheult wie a Baby, a Tag I am Koma, that is the heart.”

For Luck is a hollow that is not enough. There is a hobby that only started in 2008 as a driver. There was a war with a Heilbronner Motorsport-Teams.

TV-Persönlichkeit: In these messages during Mola Adebisi zu sehen

In the year 2003, Mola Adebisi played against Fabian Harloff in “RTL Promi-Boxen II” and won against Duell. The whole year of my life is a pleasure in the Ring. In 2013 there was the Schauspieler Sebastian Deyle on “Sat.1 Promiboxen”.

Jubilation of the Moderator: Mola Adebisi has KO'd Sebastian Deyle.
Jubilation of the Moderator: Mola Adebisi has KO’d Sebastian Deyle.
© BrauerPhotos (c) Chr. Adolph
Jubilation of the Moderator: Mola Adebisi has KO’d Sebastian Deyle.

von BrauerPhotos (c) Chr. Adolf


The moderator said he had a “Perfect Promi-Dinner”, and that is a regularity in the Unterhaltungssendungen zu seehen. In the year 2021 it is worth seeing Frau dem “Sommerhaus der Stars”.

Afterwards: Mola Adebisi will stay in our Dschungelcamp

But neither damit nor not enjoyable: Mola Adebisi war 2014 in der eighten Staffel der Reality-Show “I am a star – Holt mich hier raus!” zu see and experience the eight place. If there is a scheinbar, this is a broke leak. Or there may have been a Ruf, in 2024 the time has come: RTL is transforming the 20th anniversary of a summer staffel, into the current All-Stars-Candidates sections. Mola Adebisi is one of the 13th times that she has set the great herausforderung in the Dschungel.