
POL-RE: Kreis Recklinghausen/Recklinghausen/Bottrop: Der dritte Jahrgang …

POL-RE: Kreis Recklinghausen/Recklinghausen/Bottrop: Der dritte Jahrgang …

Polizeipräsidium Recklinghausen

POL-RE: Kreis Recklinghausen/Recklinghausen/Bottrop: Der dritte Jahrgang "Police Academy for High School" go to the Start

Recklinghausen (ots)

Am heutigen Mittwoch (21. August 2024) started 29 Schülerinnen und Schüler am Kuniberg Berufskolleg in Recklinghausen over de 2022 geschaffenen Bildungsgang in de Polizei NRW in de 3rd Runde. Since the year 2022, the youth of the “Fachoberschule das “Fachabitur Polizei” can be acquired. I have completed the first year of the Fachoberschule Polizei.

Landesweit konnten sich 551 von 4019 Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern für einen der begehrten Place an onem of 15 Berufskollegs durchsetzen. As soon as the first years with our eleven estates started, the war became clear, the project became a project model and it became much more difficult.

“The robbery of politics or politicians is still getting worse. A damn party, with young people, who provide exciting and exciting answers, which you can see as a new herausforderungen steltlt. Das Fachabitur Polizei is a It is perhaps not the case that young people get the chance to study at the police – an entity that ich really good is”, says Recklinghausens police chairwoman in Friederike Zurhausen. “During the Fachoberschule a person is called a small debt school or the exercise of the gymnasium education is followed by a dual Studium at the Polizei NRW. The first Abschluss class in the year that continues, is that way a good way to the direction of the Studium ist “, the Polizeipräsidentin continues.

If the police-police training school gets more attention, the dual study and study center for the police and the representation can be continued. Ziel ist es dann, als Polizeikomimissarin bzw. Polizeikommissar in NRW zu arbeiten.

I started with the instruction of two years of debt since youth and the three days of debt as practitioners and practitioners in the various areas of the Polizeipräsidiums of Recklinghausen outside the way. The others both debt, as well as the total debt year, find at Kuniberg vocational college statt. Here other rights and state rights were undone.

“Von de Schülerinnen und Schülern benefit from my Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in Arbeitsalltag. The Jugendlichen often put so unusual fragments, that their own Wissen would neither happen a small loss nor get any hints. I come to the doctrine and the inquisitive art of the young people. In Eindhoven, there is a festgesetzt that is there, that the Jugendlichen wirklich Polizistin or the Polizist became wollen, so fell Eifer since sie bei der Sache”, the Behördenleiterin further.

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