
Darum wail we stand over the water

Darum wail we stand over the water

In July war is the heat, you disturb everyone about the rain. The “bad” weather is a German standard theme. If you complain about the persistent rain, you are complaining with an eigentlich about other people, says the psychologist Michael Thiel. But complaining has a good feeling, and can change our lives – if people do not act more

GEO: It is a fact that it is not so. So right passengers will not be our German weather. Why do we constantly warn you about that, Herr Thiel?

Michael Thiel: Indem met een gemeinsam über das Wetter beschweren, bauen met Stress en Druck ab.

Bauen has no more stress? Do you want to make the Theme Heat or Rain bigger, if so?

When I look over the bad Wetter road with a friend, I feel my sanity. There is a problem with the problem. Gemeinsam zu jammern gibt a guts Gefühl. If I am not alone with the problem, I can solve it. We will also eradicate a Solidarity effect.

If there are problems, it may be that problems arise when our friends meet. It is time to speed up the conversation. Who is ready? Do you see what, and how do you aim? Pass it all on.

Really and truly.

Mal wieder schlechtes Wetter: “Gemeinsam zu jammern gibt einem ein good Gefühl”

Other today’s rainfall is expected in Germany – from natural disasters in the Ahr Valley – but not a real problem.

For the Bauern the Wetter essence can still be the same. When it became more Bauern in Germany, the Wetter area was secured, when it would no longer be for the Ernte war. For the dying this is a problem.

One of the disruptors and scorners of the Wetter would the generation of the generation become better again?

Yes, completely unconscious. Outside, the Schimpfen über das Wetter is a soziales Ventil. Man can be a stellvertretend for other problems in the Wetter schimpfen. A lot of money is one of the problems that can cause a problem. The Klimawandel or the Krieg in Ukraine zum Beispiel.

If you speak out, you can increase the tension. When it comes down to it, the man with his friends is not even a Meinung ist politically. If you are in Wetteren, you can be a man with every. It is ever.

Genau, the Druckabbau is one of the things you can do with a Nutzen. In general, feelings of emotions with others can arise.

Why will concentrating cause us so many problems?

Negatives are no longer valued as positives. That has evolutionary biological foundations. If the Neanderthal goes down in history and if he experiences a negative experience, the war will last longer.

Hitze, Rain, Stress: Damn we’re sorry

If Germans ever started, a few things can go wrong. If the sun is a pity in the rain, it can quickly go wrong with the worst weather. I have more sun experiences than Finland. You can read the Happiness Atlas of the most happy people in the world. Why are we so negative?

It is stimulated. People in a country of their own, it is a wirtschaftlich that becomes worse as a, a leichtigkeit, to get through life. Wir Deutschen has made a certain Schwermut. If this is so negative, this can be an unanswered situation. Wir waren lange Spielball der Mächte. Fürsten and Könige had a habit, it was a matter of doing and of lassen, but they were adhängig van anderen. If the king has more Steuern, it is of course possible to jam.

After the reverences of the world itch have begun, the war has come to a disaster through the long German period. First at the Fußball-WM 2006, where the Fahnen geswungen are. Also today the summer became so special. We dare to put a part of the stolz on a country.

We are proud to take care of our valuables.

Yes. It is the term “German Fear”, which is used in English. Wir Deutschen can also work if necessary, it will be standard and use a machine. Darüber, our money for losses, for illnesses, and so on. Therefore we complain so much. British Airways stewardesses want to know that the Passenger can travel the best. That was the Germans.

Man also whines more, wenn man himself feels helpless…

Of course. Powerlessness gives us a bad feeling. But lamenting can be one of the first messages for a change.

Through Jammern can change his life

Too bad positive reviews can take place?

Durchaus. If the tension sabbath has a problem, the man in his life is a different man. Weil man mit der Situation unzufrieden ist. During a situation in which the man regains his position of power. We are active when we do these kinds of things and do those things. If someone does not get out of the miserable situation, his psychological state can be disturbed – and the depression can continue. Then professional help from psychologists is needed.

Man must go on the road, he is not of the jammer of the Freunden and the chance that he leaves. Negative consequences can occur. Save energy costs. Something beautiful and positive to experience, hinges the psyche on.

Many people have a friend in a bad phase. It may be that you never notice anything.

No, of course not. It doesn’t take long for the problem to arise. Then one can say: If it were a question of loss, then the Grund would have more, a disruptive transmitter? And who can help improve the situation, if the situation has improved?

Whether we made a mistake and how it was resolved – who finds a man from the Jammertal and looks positive?

If the first Stride man identified himself, he was a hint of the Jammerei-steckt. What is the problem? If two children can say: Was my passion, maybe the Grund mehr zum Jammern habe? Was it a matter of situation? Was it a personal choice – or was it a good choice for my partner? Who has survived life, maybe it is not so difficult anymore? I am written that it is a concrete planning. Who can now re-establish the change? For example, compensate the job or the partner. Perhaps I also have to change something in my setting. A fourth step I must then enter into action.

A graphic of one of the gouges is a man who has made a rain shower

Schimpfen über das Wetter baut Druck ab. Pity can also be positive.

© Volodymyr Melnyk/ Alamy Stock Photos / images of Mauritius

The miese Wetter is not nearby. Also ändern Sie sich!

Damit comes to man as a result of the loss of power, which oppresses us so much, and comes to power himself.

Genau. It is wise to follow the control over life. In the Bereichen, in denen there is nothing beyond: Beziehung, Job, Freunde, Ausgleich and so on. If it is good, the control over life and the self can be as good as possible that it is good, it is a little fröhlich.

All you can do is a leader without control. The weather for the sake of argument. It can now be a problem to perform an installation. Another story: Finish with the plants after the heat again rain.

Yes. If you want to solve a problem with a theme, you get an unanswered question: we will weld, but not so that we can exercise an unmanaged control. Welding power lastingly happy. We have no more energy for a few things, which can help us and exercise that control. Also – rather than being annoyed about the favorite title on the radio. Then they are automatically fried, which makes it more happy and it becomes easier.

This interview took place in August 2023 and was not published until a new light.