
Dax schüttelt Vortagesschwäche at Von dpa-AFX

Dax schüttelt Vortagesschwäche at Von dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – After a lifetime of enjoyment during their stay there, they have a wonderful family life. Der Deutsche Leitindex was den Handel am Mittwoch 0.50 Prozent höher auf 18,448.95 Punkten. Der der mediogroßen Unternehmen costs a 0.59 Prozent auf 24,915.82 Punkte.

Impulse blieben rar, der Datenkalender ist dunn. Börsianer blicken in spannter Erwartung at the Notenbanker-Treffen in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where the American nutbank chef Jerome Powell will do so.

“Powell has decided that the argument for a short-term strategy will not go any further,” according to Nikko Asset Management analyst Naomi Fink. The fact that the short-term strategy from August has brought a sharp increase in risk is being seen by index radar experts, all on the basis of the hope-raising rationalizations with more robust economic development. This ideal scenario for Boris Johnson now stands on the test stand.

I think that in the US the Stellenzwachs in the zwölf Monaten bis March diesess …

Among the 40 Dax-Aktien extends in the Mittwoch the Anteile des Sportwagenbauers Porsche (ETR:) with 2.3 Prozent in deutlichtsten zu. Europe was autonomous, the sector was ahead in the Stoxx-600 overview. Schlusslicht im Dax was the title of the Triebwerkbauers MTU (ETR:) with minus 0.8 Prozent.

The Aktien of SFC Energy (ETR :), I left after the Quartals message that could no longer stop, now extends an SDax spitze at 7.4 Prozent zu. Analysts from Bankhaus Metzler and the investment bank Oddo BHF believe they are positive about the Brennstoffzellen-Spezialisten. Beim Biosprit-Anbieter Verbio (ETR:) nahmen Anleger after the young German Erholung erneut Gewinne mit. Die Anteile büßten am End des Kleinwerteindex 4.3 Prozent ein.

The Eurozone Leading Index has risen to 0.57 percent for the week at 4,885.28 points. The Eurozone hall goes further than ever in Zurich, and in London it goes further. The New Yorker Leading Barometer Industrial known for the European market, which improves the technology-challenged state of affairs in Plus.

The Euro was to trade at 1.1139 US Dollars after the Xetra-Schluss. The European Central Bank (EZB) has set the reference rate for the night at 1.1116 (Tuesday: 1.1084) US Dollars, the Dollar cost 0.8996 (0.9022) Euros.

On the Rentenmarkt the price has risen from 2.25 Prozent to 2.22 Prozent. The Rentenindex amounts to 0.19 Prozent auf 126.50 Punkte. Der gewann 0.14 Prozent auf 134.84 Punkte.